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nanotech,和cryst eng comm哪个杂志更好点好?

作者 syf0326
来源: 小木虫 650 13 举报帖子

前几一投了个J Mater. Chem.,才三天就被主编拒了,说文章写的太专业了,推荐去cryst eng comm,说和那边主编沟通过。但是我们老板想让我投个一区,就是nanotech,但是那nanotech影响因子没有cryst eng comm高,我也觉得cryst eng comm认可度高一点,希望牛人给个建议!我做的上氧化铁形貌控制,有五个形貌,机理解释比较清楚,还有就是nanoscale,很急啊,大家快回答~还就是本来明年7月要毕业,要文章~这个也是一个很重要的因素!

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Journal of Materials Chemistry. All manuscripts submitted to Journal of Materials Chemistry are initially evaluated by the Editors to ensure they meet the essential criteria for publication in the journal. I’m sorry to say that on this occasion your paper will not be considered further because the work reported is too specialised for it to be of interest to the wider materials chemistry community and would find its audience in a more specialised journal.

However, I think your paper would be more suited to the scope of CrystEngComm, a journal from the Royal Society of Chemistry that publishes cutting-edge crystal engineering papers. (http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/ce ). I have spoken to Dr Caroline Burley, the Senior Publishing Editor, and she would be happy for the paper to be considered for publication in CrystEngComm. I can arrange for it to be transferred directly, keeping its original submission date. If you are interested in this opportunity, please resubmit your manuscript through your author centre at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jm?URL_MASK=HGFwyrhJxTQt3dGmJDst
. This link will ask you to resubmit to Journal of Materials Chemistry and we will then transfer your manuscript for you. 返回小木虫查看更多

  • 精华评论
  • Rosk

    在中国这个国度,还是影响因子比科学院分区来的更猛 何况你还有这个机会 明显中的希望大了很多呢

  • syf0326

    : Originally posted by Rosk at 2011-12-23 20:52:10:
    在中国这个国度,还是影响因子比科学院分区来的更猛 何况你还有这个机会 明显中的希望大了很多呢

    噢,转到cryst eng comm了~

  • ggwind


  • syf0326

    : Originally posted by ggwind at 2011-12-23 21:03:45:


  • bluersky

    nanotech很烂,cryst eng comm好一些

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