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作者 白杨ivy
来源: 小木虫 1100 22 举报帖子

csc-paristech 招收增强现实研究方向的博士研究生一名,应届活着往届硕士都可以申请,课题是关于增强现实方面的,感兴趣的或者身边有感兴趣的同学,尽可以发送个人情况至 楼教授:ruding.lou@ensam.eu,同时抄送:alwyuyang@gmail.com, 邮件主题备注(来源小木虫)


Subfield: (Applied Mathematics, Computer Science) ParisTech School: Arts et Métiers
Title: Shape modeling of the world through augmented reality
Advisor(s): (Ruding LOU, ruding.lou@ensam.eu, http://institutimage.ensam.eu/) Short description of possible research topics for a PhD:

Nowadays the augmented reality (AR) technology become widely used in the daily life thanks to the newly innovated device such as Microsoft HoloLens. This technology usually allows people to interact with digital content in 3D (virtual mock-up) in the real world. In the literature, most of the research work have worked on how to visualize the virtual mock-up together with real elements, which let people believe it belongs to the real environment. The challenge was how to deduce the correct transformation (translation, rotation and scale) of the virtual mock-up according to the point of view on the real elements. Other works have illustrated various possibility to interact with the virtual mock-up as what people can do with a real object. One application is to reshape or modify geometrically the virtual mock-up with the consideration of the real environment to which it should belong. The contribution of thesis is to propose a new AR system that allows people to redesign virtually the shape of the real objects. The objects in the real world will be digitalized at first and then become the virtual mock-up to interact with in the real world with AR application. The digitalized object will be usually a triangle mesh to modify by the people, which needs also to modify the rest of the real world in order to adapt the change of the digitalized object.

Required background of the student: programming, geometric modeling, digitalization, mesh reconstruction and editing, augmented reality.


[ Last edited by 白杨ivy on 2017-12-9 at 21:44 ] 返回小木虫查看更多

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