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多伦多大学讲席教授Shana Kelley课题组诚招博士生及博士后

作者 lbzhang
来源: 小木虫 150 3 举报帖子

多伦多大学讲席教授Shana Kelley课题组诚招博士生及博士后,方向包括Biosensing,Biomicrofluidics及Chemical Biology。多伦多大学常年排名世界前20,Kelley教授为ACS Sensors副主编,JACS,ACS Nano,Nano Letters及ACS Chemical Biology编委会成员。课题组目前经费充足,每年均有多篇NS子刊发表,希望感兴趣的中国学生积极申请。也欢迎附上简历联系Zongjie Wang (zongjie.wang@mail.utoronto.ca) 进一步了解。

The Kelley Lab (https://www.kelleylaboratory.com/) at the University of Toronto is looking for highly-motivated doctoral students and PDFs. Our research program focuses on the development of new molecules and devices that enable biological activities to be measured and manipulated.  The projects underway involve aspects of diverse disciplines ranging from materials chemistry to chemical biology and nanotechnology.

Dr. Shana Kelley holds the rank of University Professor at the University of Toronto. Dr. Kelley received her Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology and was a NIH postdoctoral fellow at the Scripps Research Institute. She is an associated editor for ACS Sensors, and editorial advisory board member for JACS, ACS Nano, Nano Letters and ACS Chemical Biology. The Kelley group has published over 220 papers in prestigious journals with 18,000 citations, including Science, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Chemistry, Nature Chemical Biology and Nature Biomedical Engineering.

Dr. Kelley’s work has been recognized with a variety of distinctions, including being named one of “Canada’s Top 40 under 40”, a NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Fellow, the 2011 Steacie Prize, and the 2016 NSERC Brockhouse Prize. Dr. Kelley is an inventor on over 50 patents issued worldwide and a founder of three molecular diagnostics companies.

Candidates are sought for all projects in the research group. Prospective students should apply though one of the group's affiliated departments - Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy), Department of Chemistry (Faculty of Arts and Science), Department of Biochemistry (Faculty of Medicine), and Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering). Students must meet criteria for admission to one of these programs before inquiring for a position. Candidate students and PDFs should email Prof. Kelley (shana.kelley@utoronto.ca) and cc Dr. Pereira (mark.pereira@utoronto.ca), outlining their research interests and providing PDF copies of their CV and transcripts. 返回小木虫查看更多

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