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作者 austin2008
来源: 小木虫 11500 230 举报帖子

我的这篇文章从写,到投,再到改投,催稿……,小修,悲剧,申诉,最后戏剧化被接收,整个过程可谓是一波三折!文章初稿最初是3月中旬投到Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology杂志,一个月后悲剧了,编辑也没提什么意见,一封模板化的拒稿信,没有啥收获。后来分析了下,感觉还主要还是创新性不明显,语言的问题也蛮多,老板建议我改投ABAB杂志。我花了两周的时间补充了些数据,找老板帮我修了语言的问题,自己检查了好几篇,最后投到ABAB。这个杂志每年的收稿量非常大,我今年5月3号投稿,我的稿号就是3437了,因此处理速度比较慢,光在编辑手上就是1个多月,然后才送出去,6月18号第一次出现under review状态。在9月份催过一次稿,10月份催过一次,11份的时候都想撤稿了,当时很矛盾,还是写了一封催稿信,如下
Dear Editor:

Please excuse me for taking some of your time.
I submitted a manuscript entitled “xxxxxx” (Ref. No. ABAB-3437) to ABAB on 3 May 2011. I do not know whether it is a proper time to contact you regarding the review process, although the status of "Under Review" for my manuscript have been lasting for more than five months. I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best regards!
Sincerely yours,
Corresponding authorE-mail: xxxxxx
结果和其他两封催稿信一样石沉大海,杳无音信,好在自己投到其他杂志的另外一篇文章接受了,自己的压力小一些了,也就没怎么关注这篇文章(之前是每隔几天看一次文章状态),12月4号,终于等来了一审的结果。两个审稿人的意见都是小修后接受,第一个审稿人提了六个问题,第二个审稿人要求重画一下载体图,补充两个小实验,编辑给的建议是accepted with minor revision。给了3周时间修改,返回期限是12月25号。

我按照审稿人的意见仔细的修改了文章的语言,回答了所有的问题,补充了实验,于12月21号返回了修改稿。12月24号中午,收到Decision letter,竟然拒稿了,当时感觉蛮奇怪的,下午我就在小木虫上发了一个求助帖(http://muchong.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=3980163&page=1),希望大家给我提些建议,要不要申诉!

Dear xxx,

Thanks for your letter in response to our previous submission of our manuscript (ABAB-3437). After having carefully read your letter, I feel little bit confused as your decision. The two reviewers and you previously suggested that our manuscript (ABAB-3437) could be accepted for publication should we be prepared to incorporate minor revisions. We had revised our manuscript carefully and complemented some experiments raised by the reviewers. The rejected decision of the Editorial Board might be because that we did not answer some of the reviewers’ comments clearly. We carefully considered the reviewers’ comments again and have further modified the manuscript according to your letters. In addition, we have consulted a professional language editing services to check the English.

We believe our manuscript (ABAB-3437) is potentially publishable for the following reasons. First, this work presents interesting results on  XXXXXXXXXX(省略……)

We understand that the misunderstanding might be caused by the unclear description in our manuscript, but we believe that the results are of merit and the paper is potentially publishable in the journal. Therefore, we would be most grateful if you could re-consider our work and give us a second opportunity. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding. Looking forward to hearing from you,
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,

xxx and xxx

Dear Dr. xxx,

Thank you for e-mail.
I found that I made mistake on your manuscript.
Your manuscript is acceptable and we will accept your manuscript.
(Hi, Aironne, could you fix my mistake?)
I am sorry for this matter.

Best Regards,
Associate Editor, xxx


[ Last edited by austin2008 on 2011-12-27 at 16:10 ] 返回小木虫查看更多

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