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作者 mlshmily
来源: 小木虫 550 11 举报帖子

我一共投了三个期刊,从级别来看,分别是 高级一区  中级二区   高级一区,分别  据稿  据稿  录用。我是按次序投的,不是一稿多投,据稿以后再投。当然,前面的据稿教训就不说了,我的硬伤在Methodology上,通篇没有固定的Methodology,没有传统的Econometric的模型,也没有问卷调查后的统计和计量模型。因为领域小,文献少,期刊大度而容纳百川,所以中了,算是投机取巧了。语言方面,离不开Native Speaker的帮忙。

1、Submited to Journal: Elsevier投稿系统。

Dear XXXX,
The reviewers have commented on your abovepaper. They indicated that it is not acceptable for publication in its presentform. However, if you feel that you can suitably address the reviewers'comments (included below), the Editor In Chief invites you to revise andresubmit your manuscript. Please carefully address the issues raised inthe comments. If you are submitting a revised manuscript, please also:
a) outlineeach change made (point by point) as raised in the reviewer comments
b) provide asuitable rebuttal to each reviewer comment not addressed


Reviewer #1:
I think this manuscript addressed an interesting and potentially promising topic. Also, it is obvious that the authors did an extensive search on the existing reports and research literature. However, I feel that this paper have some areas that need to be addressed.
First, ……
Second, ……很难修改,建议就特定方面展开调研。
Third, ……
Fourth, ……
Finally, ……
I hope the authors find the review helpful and wish them good luck with their research in this area.

Reviewer #2: This Guy看起来很烦我这篇论文。

The work is interesting but I wasn't convinced that the discussion or conclusions achieved that much apart from saying the obvious. I did like the way the discussion drew down data from a number of sources thus providing an uninformed reader with a range of good background facts and figures. I would have preferred to see more ambition in the paper's aim. There are many minor errors - often the definite article is missed out, quite a number of spelling errors, some references are very old yet are used to support current understanding. These all need attention. I thought the sources of data were in need of more care. There are other sources that are probably better than some that are mentioned.


Dear XXXX,
The reviewers have commented on your above paper. They indicated that it is not acceptable for publication in its present form. However, if you feel that you can suitably address the reviewers' comments (included below), the Editor In Chief invites you to revise and resubmit your manuscript. Please carefully address the issues raised in the comments. If you are submitting a revised manuscript, please also:
a) outline each change made (point by point) as raised in the reviewer comments
b) provide a suitable rebuttal to each reviewer comment not addressed
Yours sincerely,


Reviewer #1: I think the authors havemade appropriate revisions based on reviewers' feedback. The only minorrevision I would suggest is the organization of "3.3.3 ": The author(s) should either change the subheading to "3.3.3 XXXX" or separate the discussions oninformation sources from 3.3.3 section. I recommend that the manuscript beaccepted after this minor revision.
Reviewer #2: The paper is much improved, the balance and flow are moreaccessible and the content has developed better strength and a sense ofpurpose. There are still a relatively large number of minor errors but I feelthat once they are addressed then the paper can be accepted.



Dear XXXX,
I am pleased to inform you that your paper "XXXXXXXX" has been accepted for publication in XXXXXXXX. Below are the final comments from the editor and reviewers. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Managing Editor.

When your paper is published on ScienceDirect, you want to make sure it gets the attention it deserves. To help you get your message across, Elsevier has developed a new, free service called AudioSlides: brief, webcast-style presentations that are shown (publicly available) next to your published article. This format gives you the opportunity to explain your research in your own words and attract interest. You will receive an invitation email to create an AudioSlides presentation shortly. For more information and examples.
Thank you for submitting your work to XXXX.
Yours sincerely,

3、回复审稿人,条例清楚,结构美观。 返回小木虫查看更多

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  • rhh1984

    谢谢楼主分享经验,想问下Native Speaker怎么提供帮助的,如何和他们沟通更有效?

  • perry20008

    3楼: Originally posted by rhh1984 at 2014-05-27 21:02:20
    谢谢楼主分享经验,想问下Native Speaker怎么提供帮助的,如何和他们沟通更有效?

    找Kyle Smith, 一个外教,他有文理科的双硕士,在中国10多年。thekyleanator@hotmail.com。他帮几个朋友翻译修改过,都认为好。我前不久建议他做润色,他同意。人在江西九江,可以当面翻译、修改(或视频),他中文交流也没有问题。你说perry留言的。
    我认为他比网上的要好,因为可以随时、当面、或电话、视频,有不清楚的,可以说得清楚 (有人认为质量也比网上的更好)

  • mlshmily

    3楼: Originally posted by rhh1984 at 2014-05-27 21:02:20
    谢谢楼主分享经验,想问下Native Speaker怎么提供帮助的,如何和他们沟通更有效?


  • lucky婧

