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作者 这样的讨厌儿
来源: 小木虫 1200 24 举报帖子


哎哎~~稿子投给Land Use Policy,一审俩专家,一个很认可几乎没提意见(Re1);一个意见很多,从标题、语言、内容等方面提了很多的意见和建议,最后没说明说评审结果,但给了句“Please answer all my questions clearly”(Re2)。于是乎一审主编给出了大修的结果。


2. 我把编辑的回信黏贴在这里了,请大家帮我看看就我的情况而言,是否有必要重新投(其实,我重投的倾向大,但是真心担心是徒劳啊)?
4. 此外,有谁知道这个杂志文章类型里有个叫“Themed Issue: Land Use Policy in China”,这个是什么?我投稿时选择的是“Regular paper”,不知道区别多大?

Dear ****,

Reviewers' comments on your work have now been received. The first author rejects the manuscript on the grounds that it is not really suitable fr an international audience. The second referee makes several favourable comments bit also finds that there is insufficient engagement with an international literature. Hence I cannot accept the manuscript in its current firm.

I think you need to consioder whether you wish to publish this essentially for a Chinese audience or whether you want it to be read by an international readership. If you desire the latter then I think you need to make substantial changes to provide a broader context.

I will be willing to receive a revised manuscript but you should submit this as brand new submission and I will start the review process afresh.

For your guidance, I append the reviewers' comments below.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.

Yours sincerely,


Reviewer #2: Dear Editor and Authors:

   I have finished reading this story about. The work of discussing the influence of LCSM on national territory arrangement in China should be encouraged in recent years, but I still further hope all works must be enhanced based on scientific principle. We must design any new models or conceptions using "truth" not social or governmental policy.
   I appreciate the author's scrupulous revision work on this MS, but I have to reject this MS. Lots of specific words in this story are confusing and puzzling for readers. Many readers cannot understand the story the author described. So I think this story only be an interesting story for Chinese researchers or governmental officers. This is not suitable fr an international audience.

Thanks 返回小木虫查看更多

  • 精华评论
  • leimiao_hit



  • LifePursuit


  • sw8207


  • wenshengping853

    重投就可以  好好改改 一般问题不大 我也有篇文章是这样 但是编辑没说拒稿 只说修改后重投
