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(已招满) 波兰科学院招公派学生:二维范德华异质层状材料在传感器和过滤器上的应用

作者 alexanderp
来源: 小木虫 42450 849 举报帖子

(公派版的小伙伴们: 谢谢大家的踊跃报名和热切关注。感恩感恩!

请注意,导师今年(2016)的招生名额应经get, 正在确定满意的弟子,不再接受新的申请,哇咔咔,感恩节快乐!)





小导师Dr Alicja Bachmatiuk 是碳纳米材料和二维材料的专家,从事纳米研究十多年了,发表了近百篇SCI 论文。其中,包括Science, Nature nanotechnology, Advanced materials, Nature comm, Nano letters, JACS, ACS Nano, Small, Carbon等期刊上频频发文,是青年学者的杰出代表。

二维纳米材料的重要性是与日剧增的。目前,一个最令人兴奋的纳米材料是二维范德华异质层材料,例如石墨烯/hBN  , 石墨烯/MoS2等范德华异质层材料。此类材料的前景巨大,覆盖很多应用领域。其中一个重要应用是利用其中的原子尺度的空洞,来制备液体或气体的传感器和过滤器。
多种合成工艺,要被探索,来直接制备可控空隙的二维材料。这些工艺,包括化学气相沉积(多种高温炉体),主要测试手段为拉曼,红外谱,以及扫描电镜,透射电镜。值得一提的是,该老师负责多台重要设备,一台拉曼(witec ALPHA,可以做mapping, 100万RMB+),两台TEM,一台TECNAI, 一台titan。 Titan是个大亮点。其特征是,双球差校正(double Cs corrector)的titan 透射电镜(总价一个亿rmb,球差纠正器,3500万RMB)。两台SEM,一台纯SEM,另外一台SEM包含FIB,可以做减薄样品,来制备TEM 样品。


联系人:Dr. Alicja Bachmatiuk (洪堡学者,课题组长,波兰科学院碳材料研究中心)

博士生导师:Prof. Dr. Mark Rummeli (玛丽居里学者,波兰科学院教授,德国莱布尼茨固态材料所永久职位)

Polish Academy of Sciences PhD project
The importance of nanomaterials is rapidly developing. Among them one of the most exciting nanomaterials at the moment are 2D hetero-layer materials such as graphene/hBN, graphene/MoS2 to name a few. The potential of such materials is huge and covers many application areas. One of these is their implementation as filter membranes for liquids and gases. In this project a variety of route will be explored to develop 2D hetero-layer with controlled pores (holes) to serve as filters for gases or liquids. Different synthesis techniques will be explored to directly synthesize 2D hetero-layer materials with the required pore control. The work will involve chemical vapor deposition and a variety of characterization routes such as IR and Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy. The PhD position would be well suited to someone with experience in synthesis, spectroscopy and possible also electron microscopy although this is not compulsory. All working communication will be in English.

Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Zabrze, Polish Academy of Sciences (CMPW PAN)
Contact:Dr. Alicja Bachmatiuk  (Humboldt fellow, group leader in professor in polish academy of science)

Contact:Prof. Dr. Mark Rummeli (Marie Curie scholar fellow, professor in polish academy of science, and  group leader (permanent position) in Leibnitz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden)

Equipment in this polish academy of science.
https://www.cmpw-pan.edu.pl/inde ... 499&lang=en

[ Last edited by alexanderp on 2016-11-25 at 01:24 ]

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