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Catalysis Communications期刊投稿问题

作者 Sl6621
来源: 小木虫 250 5 举报帖子

前两天投了一篇文章到Catalysis Communications期刊,等了4天技术审查打回来说需要修改重投。但是Comments里面什么也没有说,不知道问题出在哪里?按我的猜测可能有以下三点:(1)语言不合格,需要修改;(2)文章字数太多,超过了期刊要求的2500个字,关于这一点,我把发表在Catalysis Communications最新一期的随便一篇文章Copy到WORD里面,不加参考文献的字数统计都超过2500,所以不知道这点怎么去衡量;(3)推荐的三位审稿专家里面含有本国人,但这点其实在Guide for authors里面只提到要推荐三位国际专家,难道本国的专家就不属于国际的吗?
Thank you for submitting your work to Catalysis Communications. Before we pass on manuscripts to the Journal Editor, who is responsible for the scientific assessment, we perform an initial check against formal technical criteria (structure of submission, adherence to the Guide for Authors and English language usage).
> We regret to inform you that your manuscript does not meet the Journal\'s required standard. Please make changes/corrections as detailed in the comments below.
> Your manuscript is now located in your main menu under "Submissions Sent Back to Authors". To resubmit your manuscript, please follow the below steps (Please do not submit this paper as a New Submission.):
> * Press "submissions sent back to author" link in your main menu
> * Press "edit submission" and then "attach files".
> * In the "attach file" step please upload the corrected files.
> NOTE: Please ensure you have also uploaded the "Response to Technical Check Results" which is a reply to each of the comments mentioned below under the dropdown menu "Response to Technical Check Results". Without this completed your manuscript cannot be further processed. Please visit the following site for more information on Responses to Technical Check Results: http://help.elsevier.com/app/answers/detail/p/7923/a_id/258/
> * Build your pdf and approve your submission so that it will be sent to the journal.
> If we do not receive your edited manuscript within 4 weeks of the receipt of this letter, it will be automatically removed from the Editorial system.
> PLEASE NOTE: Resubmission is not a guarantee that your submission will subsequently proceed to the peer review process, which is a decision to be made at the sole discretion of the journal editor.
> PLEASE NOTE: The journal would like to enrich online articles by visualising and providing details of chemical structures defined as the main chemical compounds described in Catalysis Communications articles. For this purpose, corresponding mol files can be uploaded in our online submission system. Submitted mol files will be available for downloading from your online article on ScienceDirect. Elsevier will generate InChI keys from the mol files and include them in the online article, which increase the online searchability of your article (e.g., in Google). More information can be found at http://help.elsevier.com/app/answers/detail/p/7923/a_id/661. If you wish, you can submit MOL files along with your revised submission.
> Yours sincerely,
> Administrative Support Agent
> Administrative Support Agent [28-Jan-11]
> Catalysis Communications
> Comments:
> ********************************************************************************************
> With ever-increasing standards of excellence in both research and publishing, it is in an author\'s best interest to make sure his/her paper is in its best possible form when submitted for publication - that includes the quality of the written English, accurate illustrations, adherence to the Guide for Authors, and the presentation of factual, accurate data.
> If you have difficulty with the English language or your illustrations, you may consult a professional editing service. There are numerous services available throughout the world.
> To find out about Elsevier Language Editing Services please visit; http://webshop.elsevier.com/languageservices/
> For Elsevier Illustration Services please visit; http://webshop.elsevier.com/illustrationservices/
> Use of these or any other Language Editing or Illustration Services is not mandatory, and will not guarantee selection for peer review or acceptance for publication in an Elsevier journal or any other publication. For more information please refer to our Terms & Conditions at the link below:
> http://elsevier.com/wps/find/ter ... ome/termsconditions 返回小木虫查看更多

  • 精华评论
  • Sl6621

    这期刊怎么了,今天把论文写作修改了一下准备登入系统重新投稿时,居然发现已经“With editor“了,而且还有了论文编号,可是我还没上传修改稿和回复审查意见书啊,难道是编辑部那边后来发现没什么问题,又重新送交到编辑手里了?

  • 德力

    2楼: Originally posted by Sl6621 at 2014-09-24 16:24:03
    这期刊怎么了,今天把论文写作修改了一下准备登入系统重新投稿时,居然发现已经“With editor“了,而且还有了论文编号,可是我还没上传修改稿和回复审查意见书啊,难道是编辑部那边后来发现没什么问题,又重新送交 ...

    楼主 现在文章怎么样了 我也正准备投这个期刊 不知道有没有这么好运气 楼主给点意见

  • Sl6621

    3楼: Originally posted by 德力 at 2014-11-09 18:00:05
    楼主 现在文章怎么样了 我也正准备投这个期刊 不知道有没有这么好运气 楼主给点意见...


  • qingdacuihua


  • leronger

    5楼: Originally posted by qingdacuihua at 2018-02-14 14:13:48


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