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求助:有关JNR这个期刊的Scientific Justification如何撰写

作者 文武小新
来源: 小木虫 350 7 举报帖子

各位虫友,实在是没办法了,文章被打回来三次了,Journal of Nanoparticle Research,所以问下大家是个什么情况。
第一次我确实没有提交Scientific Justification这个文件,于是被打了回来:
Your submission entitled "XXX" has been received. Before we can further process it, you are kindly requested to include scientific justification to your submission and re-submit the paper online.
The Journal of Nanoparticle Research receives a large number of submissions. In order to perform a complete
editorial assessment and minimize the review time, the Editors require that the author completes the “Scientific
Justification” with a clear statement of what is the main claim of the paper, what is novel about it, why it is relevant
and how the results advance the field. We kindly ask you to provide this in order to fulfill the submission process.

于是乎我写好了Scientific Justification,提交,又被打了回来:
Your submission entitled "XXX" has been received. Before we can further process it, you are kindly requested to make the following changes and re-submit online.
1. “The Journal of Nanoparticle Research receives a large number of submissions. In order to perform a complete editorial assessment and minimize the review time, the Editors require that the author completes the “Scientific Justification” with a clear statement of what is the main claim of the paper, what is novel about it, why it is relevant and how the results advance the field. We kindly ask you to provide this in order to fulfill the submission process”.

我认为可能是我写的不太对?于是就又改了一下Scientific Justification,这次写的更充实一些了,结果又被打回来了:
Your submission entitled "XXX" has been received. Before we can further process it, you are kindly requested to consider the following changes and re-submit online.
1. “The Journal of Nanoparticle Research receives a large number of submissions. In order to perform a complete editorial assessment and minimize the review time, the Editors require that the author completes the “Scientific Justification” with a clear statement of what is the main claim of the paper, what is novel about it, why it is relevant and how the results advance the field. We kindly ask you to provide this in order to fulfill the submission process”.

1、是我写的Scientific Justification不符合期刊的要求吗?基本上就是按照cover letter的模式写的,而且这个期刊不要求提交cover letter.如果有投过这个期刊的虫友热切需要你们的帮助啊,还有就是写过这个文件的虫友能否告知一下这个文件到底该怎么写?
2、投稿系统中没有专门的提交Scientific Justification这一项的提示,在上传文件的时候只有Manuscript、attachment to manuscript、Supplementary material (audio/video files etc)这三个类型,我将Scientific Justification提交到第二个文件类型下,不知道是不是因为这个原因。

谢谢大家~~ 返回小木虫查看更多

  • 精华评论
  • 自私的猫1988

    During the submission process authors will be asked to suggest two names of qualified referees and to provide a scientific justification paragraph, to explain why the paper provides a significant advancement to the field of nanostructured materials.

  • 飞奔の蜗牛


  • 飞奔の蜗牛


  • 文武小新

    2楼: Originally posted by 自私的猫1988 at 2014-09-09 17:24:34
    During the submission process authors will be asked to suggest two names of qualified referees and to provide a scientific justification paragraph, to explain why the paper provides a significant adv ...


  • 文武小新

    4楼: Originally posted by 飞奔の蜗牛 at 2014-09-11 19:37:12
    我感觉应该不是你提交文件的问题,因为justification在三个选项中最符合第二个,而且只要投上去编辑就会收到的,所以不是你投稿的问题,可能是编辑收到了但是没注意到已收到,或者是你的justification不符合要求,个 ...


  • zhanglilan26

    6楼: Originally posted by 文武小新 at 2014-09-12 09:48:14


  • 文武小新

    7楼: Originally posted by zhanglilan26 at 2016-11-30 18:06:54


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