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金虫 (小有名气)

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Our nucleotide exchange assay detects inhibitors against any step in the reaction mechanism, whereas the nucleotide release assay specifically identifies inhibitors against the first phase of the exchange reaction, nucleotide release. 这段话中,nucleotide exchange assay 和nucleotide release assay 是什么意思。
DCAI  identified by Genentech, was found to bind in the hydrophobic pocket located between the α2 helix (of the switch II region) and the core β-sheet of the KRAS protein
and thereby interrupt KRAS/SOS association.Titration studies with DCAI indicated that it blocked both nucleotide exchange and release reactions, with IC50 values of 342 ± 22 and 155± 36μM, respectively. It was also noted that a secondary electronegative binding cleft is formed in the protein upon fragment binding. It is proposed that DCAI blocks the first phase of the exchange reaction by inhibiting nucleotide release from KRAS.这段话中secondary electronegative binding cleft 是什么意思?

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至尊木虫 (职业作家)


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likun0038(河边的芦苇代发): 金币+1 2013-08-23 09:18:20
nucleotide exchange assay  核苷酸交换试验
nucleotide release assay  核苷酸释放试验
2楼2013-08-23 08:21:10
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金虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by bronzezt at 2013-08-23 08:21:10
nucleotide exchange assay  核苷酸交换试验
nucleotide release assay  核苷酸释放试验

3楼2013-08-23 11:00:24
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