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【全职博士后】瑞典于默奥大学Weizhuo Lu教授团队招收建筑环境与能源方向博士后1名

作者 Rhythm10
来源: 小木虫 900 18 举报帖子

各位老师,大家好!瑞典于默奥大学(UMU)Weizhuo Lu教授团队计划招聘建筑环境与能源方向全职博士后1名(2年),薪资25000 SEK/月 (免税)。欢迎老师们的垂询,更期待各位老师的加入。职位的详细信息如下:

于默奥大学是瑞典规模最大的研究型大学之一,获得2020年诺贝尔化学奖。weizhuo lu教授团队致力于建筑环境与能源研究,获得欧盟horizon 2020、瑞典环境部、能源部、创新局、kempestiftelserna等多项欧盟和国家资助(在研),weizhuo lu教授为瑞典未来领袖计划学者。团队现计划招聘建筑环境与能源方向全职博士后1名,职位计划于2021年10月开始,由于疫情影响,具体工作时间和前期工作形式均可商议。团队目前拥有充足的研究经费支持、丰富的设备条件,我们也将为您提供研究相关的所有资源。
欢迎各位老师与我们取得联系,找到合适候选人后就会为您正式开始职位申请流程。有意向的老师,请将您的CV、Cover letter(A brief description of the motivation)发到我们的邮箱,也欢迎您将Future research plan、Relevant publications发给我们。

Weizhuo Lu, Prof., email: weizhuo.lu@umu.se
Kailun Feng, Dr., email: kailun.feng@hit.edu.cn

Postdoctoral scholarship (2 years) on digitalized and sustainable built environment
Umeå University, Faculty of Science and Technology

Umeå University is one of Sweden's largest institutions of higher education with over 34,000 students and 4,000 faculty and staff. We are characterized by world-leading research in several scientific fields and a multitude of educations ranked highly in international comparison.
We are looking for 1 highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with established expertise on digitalized and sustainable built environment. The start date of successful candidates can be negotiated. This is an early call, and the application will be arranged when we find proper candidates. The fellowship is for two years.

Project Description
We would expect that your scientific contribution is within one of the three fields:
1.        Urban information modelling. We aim to establish a digitalized modelling of buildings and urban for quantifying the sustainable performances of alternative techniques in a bottom-up way; to assess the climate resilience of buildings and urban under different climate scenarios; to develop "an open-access" tool to promote public engagement towards Sweden's carbon-neutral commitment by 2045.
2.        Human-building(s) interaction. We aim to advance the research on how built environments to be more interactive and occupant-centered, such as, discover relationships between built characteristics and occupants' behavior, consequently providing implications for building design, operation and renovation.
3.        Digital twins in the life cycle of building. We aim to further explore digital twins in the life cycle of building, especially the integration of simulation, optimization and visualization into an interactive lab environment.
However, you are more than welcome to propose your own research idea provided it is within the framework of digitalized and sustainable built environment.

A qualified applicant is required to have a PhD degree or a foreign degree that is deemed equivalent, in construction engineering and management, building energy efficient or another relevant subject.
Priority should be given to candidates who have completed their doctoral degree no more than three years before the closing date of the application. A candidate who has completed their degree prior to this may be considered if special circumstances exist.
The applicant should be proficient user in both oral and written English. Documented knowledge and proven research experiences in urban information modelling, GIS, machine learning, BIM, VR, immersive virtual environment, digital twins, construction process simulation, and building occupants behaviors are important merits.
The requirements (eligibility) must be fulfilled at the time of recruitment. 返回小木虫查看更多

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