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ԺУÍƼö£ºPhD at Chimie ParisTech

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Train chemists and chemical engineers

The College trains chemical engineers and chemists to assume high level positions in the chemical and related industries. Our graduates find employment in the chemical industry, metallurgy, ceramics, polymers, nuclear, water treatment, process engineering, pharmacy, risk management, among many other technical domains.


In a first-rate scientific environment

Chimie ParisTech is a multidisciplinary research center organized around two fundamental themes :

1. Energy, materials and process engineering (Moissan department)

2. Molecular chemistry (Friedel department)

Research and technological innovation are in close relation with scientific training.


A ¡°school¡± with a prestigious history

The school was founded in 1896 by Charles Friedel, chemist and mineralogist, co-discoverer of the famous Friedel-Crafts reaction. Henri Moissan, director of Chimie ParisTech between 1899 and 1907, was awarded?the?Nobel prize?in chemistry in 1906 for the isolation of fluorine and the development of a high temperature furnace.


Chimie ParisTech in numbers

320 engineering students

140 Ph?D

40 post doctoral students

51 teaching/research faculty

8 research laboratories

250 publications per year

5 to 10 patents per year

Chimie ParisTech is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to students around the globe.

What you need to know:

If you're considering becoming an international student at Chimie ParisTech there are a few considerations to take into account :

??All instruction is in French.?So, depending on where you earned previous degrees, we may ask you to submit test scores showing your level of French proficiency.

? Application Deadlines : The study program at Chimie ParisTech begin in September, you must ensure that the application form get to Chimie ParisTech?before May 31th?of the year concerned.

? Application Procedure:

Detailed below are six stages in the application process:


Application form

Complete the Application Form and prepare all documents required:

- CV

- Covering letter

- Transcript records

- Recommendation letters

Send the completed application with these documents directly to International Relations at Chimie ParisTech.


Wait for a response

Successful applicants will receive from the director of Chimie ParisTech an admission letter, which will provide information on the tuition fees, social insurance fees, complementary health insurance fees, and the date of the commencement of the study.

If an application is unsuccessful, applicants will receive an explanatory letter.



Start of the academic year and payment of fees

Except specific agreement, you are required to pay:

- Tuition fees: around 596€

- Social insurance: around 207€

- Complementary health insurance (optional but highly advised): between 60 and 522€

- Medical control: 5€
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