2014年德国KIT共录取15名CSC学生,4人来自BioInterface 博士生班:2015继续
德国亥姆霍兹联合会18个国家科研中心共赢得2014年度的CSC奖学金70名,其中人数最多的是德国于利希研究中心,一家收得CSC学生17人。卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院KIT以15名CSC学生,成为仅次于利希中心招收中国学生最多亥姆霍兹联合会成员第二名。据KIT校外办的准确统计,在这15位KIT的CSC学生之中,通过本人直接宣传的KIT生物界面研究生班项目 ,去年共获得正式申请人14人,其中经SKYPE面试后发送博士学院的录取邀请函配合CSC申请的学生共6名,最终通过CSC的资助者4人,67%的成功率(相形之下,另外的8000余名KIT科研人员一共才拿到另外11位CSC奖学金生,由此可见小木虫网站以及本老海龟个人的影响力。)
现在,有了2014的正面经验,这个KIT生物界面研究生院的下述专家仍然积极招收中国CSC的申请人,欢迎对口学生积极报名。只是该单位对于前一轮2014年的中国学生所承诺在CSC奖学金基础上补助的额外医疗保险,只能给前一批的四人提供四年CSC奖学金期间的补助,而之前或之后KIT的申请人,包括该学院2015年之后的新到CSC学生将不能够继续享受同等待遇。 产生这个变化的原因是在KIT内部的其他导师那里摆不平,所以只能下不为例 - 因此,凡是拿到额外导师或学院资助的同学,都尽量低调,谁也不要拿自己或别人的例子去向导师要待遇,否则容易影响其他后来人的福利哟!
Description of the KIT BioInterfaces Programmerogrammemme
The BioInterfaces International Graduate School (BIF‐IGS) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) provides a structured PhD programme for BioInterfaces, a
transdisciplinary research programme of the Helmholtz‐association . It aims to
attract outstanding students and to offer research opportunities, education and
training in the trans‐ and multi‐disciplinary research areas of the BioInterfaces
programme, which encompasses a breadth of disciplines including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and informatics.
More information about the research groups and the Graduate School can be found on www.bif‐igs.kit.edu.du.igs.kit.edu.
Currently 14 PIs of the BioInterfaces programme are interested to take a scholarshipholder. The research groups are willing to pay the health insurance for the stipendiaries.
Descriptions of the interested group leaders
Group: Dr. Blatter, Christine, PD
Field: Biology, cell biology, cancer, stem cells
We are interested in the regulation and function of the p53 tumor suppressor protein and in the DNA damage response which is required to maintain genomic integrity of cells. The role of p53 as a tumor suppressor protein is well established. However, more recent research also points to a role in development. This issue will be investigated in more detail in our lab. In addition, we are investigating the regulation and function of p53 and of the DNA damage response in mouse embryonal stem cells.
Group: Dr. Davidson, Gary
Field: Biology, Developmental Biology, cancer
We are interested in the regulation of developmental signaling pathways (such as Wnt, Hedghog, TGF/BMP, FGF), with particular emphasis on the biochemical regulation of pathway components by post-translational-modification (PTM). We use Drosophila and mammalian cell culture for screening procedures as well as molecular/cell biology assays and Xenopus (frog) is our main model organism for addressing biological function. The Wnt signaling pathway is currently a major focus of our research.
Group: Dr. Grabher, Clemens
Field: Biology, Chemistry, zebrafish
His research focuses on the elucidation of the intricate cell-cell communications during innate immune responses in a living animal. Leukocytes are vital for morphogenesis during embryonic development and tissue regeneration. Prominently, they participate on many levels of an animal’s response to wounding and infection. While malfunctions within the regulatory network of leukocyte function inevitably result in pathological conditions, the molecular and biophysical characteristics of spatial signals that direct immediate tissue response are poorly defined.
Group: Dr. Loosli, Felix
Field: Biology, Developmental Biology, Cell Biology
Cells within epithelial sheets are polarized with distinct apical and basal domains. This
cellular organization is critical to both epithelial form and function. Our research aims
to identify genes that are essential for epithelial cell polarity in the vertebrate nervous system and to analyse their specific function using medaka and zebrafish as model systems. We use genetic, molecular genetic and cell biological approaches.
Group: Dr. Mione, Marina
Field: Biology, Bioinformatics
We study the early events in cancer, focusing on molecular and cellular aspects of
transformation, clonal expansion and exploitation of host resources that characterize cancer-initiating cells. We have developed powerful systems to initiate cancer in different organs and stages of development, with the goal of understanding the mechanisms of transformation, visualize transformed cells in vivo and establish platforms for genetic and chemical screens.
Our research interests include the epigenetic changes that take place in oncogenetransformed melanocytes, the search for factors that will prevent these changes, the study of cancer initiating cell biology at the early transformation stage. In addition to melanoma, we also study these events in glioblastoma and myeloid leukemia models.
The models have in common the same oncogene (ras) and the early onset of
transformation (3 days) and are ideal for chemical and genetic modifier screens.
Group: Dr. Orian‐Rousseau, Veronique
Field: Biology, Cell Biology, Cancer, mice
We are interested in the role of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) like CD44 and
receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) including c-Met and VEGFR2 in development and in tumor progression. We study the collaboration between these molecules and how these interactions specify the signaling pathways. We are specifically interested in cell signaling and internalization processes.
Group: Dr. Scholpp, Steffen
Field: Biology, Developmental Biology, Neurology, Zebrafish
Each area of the brain develops largely independently from other areas under the
influence of small groups of cells – so-called ‘organising centres’ which release
specific signalling molecules that direct the development of neighbouring cells. In the
mid-forebrain we recently identified a new organising center which we termed the middiencephalic organizer (MDO). This region expresses several important signalling
molecules, including those of the Hedgehog and Wnt families. Through the release of these signalling proteins into the extracellular space from where they can diffuse away from the source cells, the MDO may direct the acquisition of cellular identity in the surrounding diencephalon – the region of the brain that forms the thalamus. This may provide the basis for the unique neuronal composition of the thalamic territory. The way in which cells respond to signalling molecules is far from clear, however, and we are going to explorer these questions more in our future research.
Group: Prof. Dr. Sleeman, Jonathan
Field: Biology, Cancer , Cell Biology, organic chemistry
Dr Sleeman’s research focuses on investigating cellular and molecular mechanisms
that regulate tumor metastasis, with a particular focus on dissemination via the
lymphatics. This work encompasses studies on (a) genetic changes and signalling
pathways that promote metastasis; (b) tumor-induced lymphangiogenesis and other microenvironmental changes that support tumor dissemination; (c) the involvement of cancer stem cells in metastatic spread.
Group: Dr. Weiß, Carsten, PD
Field: Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Toxicology
Cells sense a variety of environmental conditions like osmolarity, particles, radiation or the presence of xenobiotics some of which are toxic. One prominent signal
transduction cascade that responds to environmental pollutants such as genotoxins and particles is constituted by the stress activated protein kinase (SAPK) cascade. Our lab is interested to identify the mechanisms and consequences of SAPK activation by genotoxins and nanoparticles in different systems such as cell culture, mouse models and zebrafish.
Group: Dr. Brenner‐Weiß, Gerald
Field: Tech. Development/Bioinformatics, Physics/Engineering
The research is focused on biochemical characterisation of biofilms and biofilm
development. Here, changes in molecular composition during biofilm formation are of particular interest. Besides the analysis of signalling molecules as a part of bacterial
communication (quorum sensing), molecules involved in microbial adhesion as well as the role of the EPS in biofilm formation are investigated. In addition we are interested in interaction between bacteria/biofilms and the eukaryotic world (Interkingdom signalling). Detection and characterization of nanostructured materials and nanoparticles under environmental conditions represented a further, new research focus of the group.
Group: Prof. Dr. Gerthsen, Dagmar
Field: Material Science, Physics
Electron microscopy, development of new electron microscopic techniques
Materials science, solid state physics, structure - property relationships
Micro- and nanostructuring Activity in life sciences: detection and characterization of Pt-nanoparticles in HT-29 colon carcinoma cells by electron microscopic techniques and focused-ion-beam sectioning, correlation with DNA damage
Group: Dr. Wenzel, Wolfgang
Field: Biology, Biophysics
Our group develops and applies atomistic simulation techniques to elucidate
biomolecular structure and function. To this end we have developed POEM@HOME a world-wide distributed computing initiative devoted to protein
Group: Dr. Lahann, Jörg
Field: Biology, Chemistry, Physics/Engineering
Our group is focused on the synthesis of advanced functional polymers and on surface modification for the design of biomaterial surface properties through advanced biomolecular engineering. The aim of our research is to maintain active long-term control and improve mimicry of biological systems. To that purpose, we work on both chemical functionalization and nano-/micro-structuring technologies to provide biological interfaces with controlled properties. This goal is accomplished via an interdisciplinary team (chemists, biologists, biochemical engineers).
Lahann lab website: http://www.engin.umich.edu/research/lahann/
Group: Dr. Levkin, Pavel
Field: Chemistry, Material Science, Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry
The research in our group interfaces with chemistry, polymer chemistry, surface
science, materials science and biology.
We develop biologically active functional polymer surfaces and materials, "smart"
switchable polymer surfaces, and gradient surfaces, which we use for investigation of biointerfaces, for studying cell- or bacteria-surface interactions, for studying biofouling and for creating "smart" culture devices. Our research is very interdisciplinary and we closely collaborate with biologists, microbiologists and physicists from the KIT and the University of Heidelberg.
Group: Prof. Dr. Wöll, Christof
Field: Chemistry, Physics/Engineering
Chemistry on oxide surfaces, Heterogenous Catalysis, Photocatalysis
Fabrication of organic surfaces using self-assembly of organothiols (SAMs) and
organosilanes, Surface-anchored metal-organic frameworks, Photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS, synchrotron-based spectroscopies incl. NEXAFS and XES),
Scanning probe microscopies (STM and AFM)
[ Last edited by 老海龟 on 2014-11-15 at 20:08 ]
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