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À´Ô´: Сľ³æ 1650 33 ¾Ù±¨Ìû×Ó


[ Last edited by ±Ìº£ÇàÌì on 2010-3-26 at 10:04 ] ·µ»ØСľ³æ²é¿´¸ü¶à

  • ¾«»ªÆÀÂÛ
  • ysm56789

    How to treat the degree obtained from the univeristy at home is still controversial, because different persons have various perceptions. However, I believe they are similar no matter where are they obtained.

    The degree from university is highly popular within current vision and they are always demand higher marks of entry examination than the other less popular ones. Therefore, it is not equivalent to valuable degree after graduation even the chance to have better job is expected.

    Besides standard education from university, there are several other options including taken at home or part-time ones. Since they are open to public, the entry level of students are commonly different. In other view, the graduates from these types of program is socially underestimated. However, the working experience of those students also have much higher value than those of standard university.

    In conclusion, the social view of traditional education should changed with the fast development of economic, because all degrees obtained should consider their advantages and disadvantages  and where they are obtained should be less mentioned or considered with less bias£¬

  • ¹Â¶ÀС³ó


  • hustdianqi

    1. study hard and acquire good achievement(high score) - lay good fundation of theory
    2. take part in some competiton or practical activities to promote the ability of applying your knowledge
    3. participating in some collective activities to promote the ability of dealing with other people

  • »¨·É·É


  • abing312


  • sunyiand2


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  • IOS
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