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作者 tvisyou
来源: 小木虫 1900 38 举报帖子

Hello everyone at Way2English. How is your ability to speak English progressing? Have you told any of the jokes to your friends or family? Did they laugh or just look at you funny?

Here is what I would like you to do for Tip 9.

I would like each of you to write to me a Chinese story in English and send it to me. Maybe you can write your favorite story from when you were a child, or a story about ancient legends in China. Whatever you would like to write will be fine. Also,If you would like to read it to me, then record it and send it to me as an MP3 file. I will try to read and listen to all of them if my time allows and I will try to respond back to as many of you as I can.

I would ask that you write your story with a word processor, not just respond to this tip. Review it several times until it is as correct as you can make it. Then practice speaking it as if you were preparing for a presentation at your school or business. Once you feel you have done your best then send both the written and MP3 file (if you choose to record it) to me at friendsfromchina@gmail.com. This is an exercise for you to practice writing and speaking English to me.

I really look forward to reading and hearing your stories. This way I will also learn a lot of Chinese stories that I can share with my family. So we will both benefit.

I will be on vacation for the next 2 weeks so I will not have a tip this coming week. But that will give all of you plenty of time to write me your stories and record them if you can.

Remember to invite another person this week to Way2English. Surround yourself with as many people as you can who will practice speaking English with you.

Have a wonderful day,

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