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[求助] 大家帮忙看看这个大修的意见,还有戏没啊??已有1人参与

5月份投的International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,现在返回了一个审稿意见:大修!

IJAP/XXXXXX.v1 Review Report

Subject Appropriateness of the Manuscript   
The topic of this manuscript falls within the scope of International Journal of Antennas and Propagation  

Consider After Major Changes  

Unfortunately, for the way is the paper, in the present form, the contribution proposed by the authors is not sufficiently clear and ready for acceptation. So, in the present form, the paper cannot be accepted for publication on this journal. A better explanation of the various phases of the proposed method would make it easier to understand the introduced novelty.
However, I would like to offer the authors an opportunity to revise and resubmit their manuscript.

Major comments:
1. There are no new techniques or method in the paper, I don’t see any technical contribution
2. It is not clear XXX is used for resampling the signals. I am not sure whether this information is necessary or not in order to XXX typology.
3. In Section 3.3, it is not very clear the procedure used for the extraction of the XXX . Much more details should be provided.
4. In Section 3.4, it is not suitably explained the reason for considering XXX for the recognition process. Furthermore, is not explained well the decision rule used for the classification and the threshold values adopted. How have been defined?
5. Section 3.5 is confuse and very difficult to understand.

Minor comments:
1. Some sentences are written with different fonts.
2. Some mathematical terms used inside the formulas are not properly defined.

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张三李四66: 金币+1, ★★★很有帮助, 就冲你这句话~! 2014-07-12 22:51:13
就冲这一句 I would like to offer the authors an opportunity to revise and resubmit their manuscript.
2楼2014-07-12 21:07:17
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