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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] IJAP大修审稿意见如下,想问下这种结果还有戏吗?

前阵子投了个关于 antennas and propagation的期刊,文章内容做的是资源调度(3页篇幅),基本上和期刊主题不大相关,因为开始投 IEEE Communications Letters被拒,所以就原封不动的投了international journal of antennas and propagation。有一个审稿意见回来了(如下所示),编辑给了大修。想问下版上有经验人士,这种文章改改还有希望吗?  另外写response to comments时,(c)意见该如何作答为好? 真心求助

This paper addresses the xxxxxxxxxx. A closed-form suboptimal solution to the problem under consideration is also presented that simplifies the underlying mathematical analysis.
Although the topic of the paper is interesting, in my opinion the topic of the paper does not belong to the research area of antennas and propagation in the strict sense.

Moreover the following issues should be carefuly addressed before the paper can be considered for publication.
a) The authors do not cite some recent works that address a similar topic. I suggest that the following works should be cited in the revised manuscript and compared with the current one:

[R1] xxxxxxx

[R2] xxxxxxx

b) The paper should be carefuly proof-read to correct typos and grammatical errors.

c) Regarding the overall technical contribution, it seems to me somewhat limited for a full journal paper.

[ Last edited by 清水寺 on 2014-1-7 at 23:22 ]

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[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
4楼2018-08-10 00:43:08
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