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银虫 (著名写手)

[交流] 请问修改重投后被录用的几率多大已有1人参与

文章投到期刊Journal of Nanoparticle Research,审稿意见来了,审稿人建议小修后接收,可是编辑提了几点意见就拒搞,并且希望能够按照修改意见修改重投。
We have received the reports from our advisors on your manuscript NANO-D-14-01882R1 "Surface modification of paclitaxel-loaded nanoparticles with protamine 。。。。".

With regret, I must inform you that, based on the advice received, the Editors have decided that your manuscript cannot be accepted for publication in JJournal of Nanoparticle Research.
Below, please find the comments for your perusal.

I would like to thank you very much for forwarding your manuscript to us for consideration and wish you every success in finding an alternative place of publication.

Best regards,
Springer Journals Editorial Office
Journal of Nanoparticle Research

Comments for the Author:

Reviewer #1: Manuscript Number: NANO-D-14-01882R1

The manuscript can be accepted for publication in "Journal of Nanoparticle Research" after minor revision.

Editorial Comments: I agree with reviewer #1 that this is an interesting manuscript and may be suitable for publication in JNR based on your biological results. Please respond carefully to all Reviewer #1 comments/suggestions.

Unfortunately,I can not find either the structure of protamine or your protocol for conjugation of protamine to the NPs in this manuscript. Since many readers are not familiar with the reagent "protamine" it is important to provide some structural description of this material at an appropriate  place in the manuscript. Furthermore, your detailed  conjugation protocol for attaching protamine to the NPs is missing. This must be included in the experimental section before this manuscript can be further considered or accepted. Please indicate all revisions and changes in red in order to facilitate future editing.

We encourage the authors to significantly revise the manuscript as suggested above, and consider re-submitting a new manuscript for review to JNR.

请大家帮我分析一下哈,我发现Journal of Nanoparticle Research这个期刊审稿很严格啊,而且编辑也很不友好啊,不让我修改后重新上传,而是直接拒搞。这种情况我该怎么办?我可以申诉吗?还是按照修改意见修改后重新投稿?可以重新投稿后这个稿件也不一定到原来的编辑手里啊,我重投后接收的几率又多大呢?

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禁虫 (著名写手)


2楼2015-01-21 16:27:00
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银虫 (著名写手)

3楼2015-01-21 16:39:24
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