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木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 请教 审稿意见 这句话的意思 DRX是什么东东 如何回答 谢谢

It is verified in the work the great importance of the medium sizes of grains and that this was calculated by the method of the interceptors, this method demands that the micrographics are obtaining through polishing and revelation of the grains boundaries, what was not presented in these work. So it would be like interesting the presentation of the micrographics obtained by polishing. Like this to include the medium grains sizes obtained by polishing, in the Table 1.
The authors tell about the amount of Y2O3 crystallites, however, they don't illustrate how they obtained these results, to not to be for the evidences of DRX.

[ Last edited by xdweld on 2011-1-17 at 20:32 ]

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