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[交流] Cross-check and resubmit已有1人参与

Thank you for your submission to Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. As you are doubtless aware all submissions to JGR now are subject to a Cross-check (http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck/crosscheck_for_researchers.html) scan for similarity with published work. In reviewing your manuscript prior to selection of reviewers I noticed that your manuscript has a rather high similarity score with prior publications. In particular, there is substantial overlapping text in the Introduction and Conclusions.

Also to comply with JGR data policy, you need to explicitly include in the Acknowledgements section a statement on where all of the results shown in the paper can be obtained by readers. Citing the repository for the raw observations is not sufficient; the results of your analyses must also be accessible. If all results are included in the supplemental information, please state that. Please also note that JGR policy requires the code needed to reproduce the results shown to be available publicly or on request. Please specify which is the case here.

If you choose to modify the manuscript to reduce that similarity, you may submit a revised version. When you resubmit this manuscript, please note that you will need to send a "tracked-changes" (changes highlighted or otherwise noted) version of your manuscript. Your revised manuscript will be treated as a new submission.

Many thanks for your attention to this matter.

With kind regards,
各位高人,这是编辑婉言拒绝了吗,resubmit还有必要吗?恳请有经验的虫友帮忙分析。另外,Please also note that JGR policy requires the code needed to reproduce the results shown to be available publicly or on request. Please specify which is the case here. 表达了什么意思?

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2楼2015-03-30 13:39:50
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