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Dear Mr.***:

Your paper has been carefully reviewed by the GRSL review panel and found to be unacceptable in its present form. The reviewers did suggest, however, that if completely revised the paper might be found acceptable. We encourage you to revise and resubmit this manuscript as a new paper to GRSL.

If you decide to resubmit, please use "Create a resubmission" link in your Author Center. Your resubmission is due by 23-Feb-2015.

Below you will find comments from the review panel. Any attached files that may be referenced with these comments can be accessed in a copy of this decision letter located in your Author Center on ScholarOne Manuscripts.

Prof. ***
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

Associate Editor Comments:
Associate Editor
Comments to the Author:
Your manuscript has been improved during this revision round. However, there are still serious concerns regarding the clarity and the experiments which still deserve to be considered. Since the comments (in particular from one Reviewer) are not minor, I am recommending a ¡°Reject and Resubmit¡±. Please address all Reviewers¡¯ comments carefully so that, in case you decide to resubmit it to GRSL, we can assign your manuscript to the same Reviewers.

Reviewer(s) Comments:

Reviewer: 1
Comments to the Author
The paper has been quite improved.
In the experimental analysis, other well-known approaches have been added for comparison. About this, I would probably choose to use the iterative versions of MAD and PCA algorithms, such as IR-MAD and IterativePCA, which have been proven to be more effective. I don't ask to put new experiments, but it would be interesting to see if the comparison with these techniques gives the same results of the previous one.
Beside that, the Authors have responded adequately to my questions and  I would recommend the paper for acceptance.

Reviewer: 2
Comments to the Author
The paper is slightly improved with respect to its previous version. However there are still several missing/incomplete/unclear information/sentences and experimental analysis are not convincing. The methodological part is not well-explained and very difficult to understand. My detailed comments are given below:
1-The proposed method is devoted to ***. However, the results are compared with the methods that assess ***. Thus, I think this comparison is not fair and also it is not clear how these methods are applied for the analysis in this paper.
2-The methods used for comparison are mostly for multispectral images.  However, in the paper it is not clear to me how these methods are applied to the hyperspectral images for comparison purposes. Thus, again I found it very unfair to compare.
3-The methods considered are formulated in a very poor way, and there are still several symbols not defined. For example, the operations in (4), (5) and (6) are not defined and also N is set to both number of image pixels and number of images considered at the same time.  
4-The data sets used are very simple and not enough to prove the effectiveness of the present work. In addition, the number of hyperspectral image bands and the data acquisition times are not mentioned.  

Reviewer: 3
Comments to the Author
The conclusion should be reworked to highlight the current limitations of the algorithm (applied on a small area + high processing time) and future work directions shall mention these as axis of future research.

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