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铜虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 审稿意见 编辑给大修 麻烦大家看看,提点建议

1) Because compounds 7-12 were new synthetic UA derivatives, high-resolution mass spectral data or elemental analysis must be performed. Only common low-resolution ESI-MS data shown in the manuscript are not enough to confirm their elemental composition.
2) Of tested compounds, compounds 3 and 4 showed highest in vitro inhibition and were approximately 200-500-time more potent than acarbose. Apparently, they had less potential than acarbose to reduce glucose level in rats. The authors should address this conflict results in discussion, otherwise the synthesized compounds 3 and 4 cannot be claimed to lower postprandial blood glucose levels.
3) The synthesis scheme (Scheme 1) is too condensed and perhaps makes readers confused. The authors should split it into two independent subscheme: 1) synthesis compounds 2-5 from UA and 2) synthesis of compounds 6-12 from compound 2.
4) As mechanism underlying inhibitory effect of compounds 3, 4, 5 and 8 was investigated, the authors are strongly encouraged to further determine ki value for
compound 3 and ki and ki values for compounds 4-5 and 8. No need to do further any experiment, just treat the kinetic data they have.
5) For details of experimental data, the authors should correct the data presentation:
5.1) Conventionally, 13C NMR chemical shifts should be reported with “one decimal” NOT “two decimal”.
5.2) Generally, yield (%) should be reported as integer with no decimal.

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