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铜虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 大家谁能帮我修改下这段话?

Fig. 1 shows the effect of microfiltration on permeate fluxes of UF for model whey solution.  It can be noticed that the permeate fluxes of MF whey are approximately double the whey feed fluxes. It is believed that microfiltration avoids contaminants deposited onto the UF membrane pores, which could reduces permeate flux.

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金虫 (正式写手)

qianye325326(金币+1): 2011-02-17 11:43:48
Originally posted by qianye325326 at 2011-02-15 13:29:52:
Fig. 1 shows the effect of microfiltration on permeate fluxes of UF for model whey solution.  It can be noticed that the permeate fluxes of MF whey are approximately double the whey feed fluxes. It ...

你需要用不同的line style和mark来画

It is believed that microfiltration avoids contaminants deposited onto the UF membrane pores, which could reduces permeate flux.
It is clear (如果你后面叙述的内容是从图中的出来的,而不是已经有的书本或者其他文献上的知识) that micorfiltration helps prevent possible contaminants deposited on UF membrane pores and thus increases permeate flux as shown in Fig xxx.

[ Last edited by waitingYHVH on 2011-2-17 at 03:13 ]
3楼2011-02-17 03:08:21
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金虫 (小有名气)

qianye325326(金币+1): 2011-02-17 11:43:54
Originally posted by qianye325326 at 2011-02-14 22:29:52:
Fig. 1 shows the effect of microfiltration on permeate fluxes of UF for model whey solution.  It can be noticed that the permeate fluxes of MF whey are approximately double the whey feed fluxes. It ...




不知道你是写在results 里,还是discussion里。 看着用吧。

The significant differences in the permeate fluxes between MF pre-treated whey feed and control were observed, which lasted at least for 90mins(Fig.1). One possible explanation of such low amount of permeate fluxes in  MF pre-treated whey feed solution is that microfiltration may try to prevent contaminants from migrating into the pores of UF membrane.

[ Last edited by shmilylao on 2011-2-16 at 14:50 ]
4楼2011-02-17 05:49:28
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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

qianye325326(金币+1): 2011-02-18 10:10:55
Originally posted by qianye325326 at 2011-02-15 13:29:52:
Fig. 1 shows the effect of microfiltration on permeate fluxes of UF for model whey solution.  It can be noticed that the permeate fluxes of MF whey are approximately double the whey feed fluxes. It ...


The effect of microfiltration on permeate fluxes of UF for model whey solution is shown in Fig. 1, which shows that the permeation fluxes of MF whey are approximately double to that of the whey feed fluxes. The reduced permeation flux can be explianed according to the effect of  microfiltration by avoid contaminants deposited into the UF membrane pores.

6楼2011-02-17 12:26:36
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