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银虫 (小有名气)

[交流] Meat Science 文章让大修已有3人参与

前一段时间投了meat science 的一片文章,今天审稿结果出来啦,让大修。审稿人的意见比较尖锐,大家帮忙看一下,这样的文章进行修改再投是否还有可能。谢谢!
Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer #1: The article studies the kinetic parameters of the lipoxygenase from fresh pig bacon belly, and the effect of the temperature, NaCl concentration and pH on its activity. It is a classic study of characterisation of an enzymatic activity.
The lipooxygenase activity in the pork products has special connotations, because it is not totally positive or negative. A certain degree of activity is beneficial to develop the characteristic flavour of these products. However, an excessive lipid oxidation can produce rancidity and undesirable flavours; this aspect was ignored by the authors in the introduction of the article.
Moreover, the technology of manufacture of the cured/ripened pig meat products is perfectly established according to traditional procedures, and the possibilities of to modify the manufacture conditions (NaCl concentrations, ripening temperatures) without producing severe modifications of the organoleptic characteristics of the final products and without affecting its personality are very limited. The possibilities of modify the pH values are still more remote. On the other hand, the oxidative processes are dependent of the presence of oxygen and these processes are only important in the surface of the meat products. For these reasons, the oxidative processes during the manufacture of cured meat products are traditionally modulated only by controlling the duration (time) of the stages in the manufacture.
In my opinion, the reasons exposed in my previous paragraph have made that so far little attention has been paid to the study of this enzymatic activity. For these same reasons the objective mentioned in this paper (lines 60 to 64) in certainly utopian.


- Page 3, line 59: safety quality?? Please explain.

- Page 4, lines 66 to 76: The authors used a method of extraction previously described in the literature. Have the authors checked (for example by using electrophoresis or isoelectric focusing methods) the purity of the enzymatic preparations used in this study? This is very important, because the presence of other oxidase activities in the extracts can modify and falsify the data obtained in the study.

- Page 4, lines 78 to 82 and page 5, lines 83 to 89: The method used for the enzymatic activity assay, was it previously described in the literature or was it developed by the authors? Please clarify and, if it is the case, cite the reference in the text.

- Page 7, lines 145 to 148: It is very difficult to justify the differences in the Km values only on the basis of differences of pig breed and location in the carcass. Please explain.

- Page 9, lines 180 to 190 and also figure 3: It would be interesting to study the effect of the NaCl concentrations lower than 2% in order to observe if, at NaCl concentration lower than 2%, the LOX activity also increases as the NaCl concentration increases.

- In the title and also throughout the text: "enzymatic" is a more adequate word than "enzymic".

Reviewer #2: Could you revise title of this paper?
Please check grammar carefully.
What is "interaction effect"?  Usually, we say interaction in study.
You did response surface methodology in this study; however,you did not discuss the results in detail.

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木虫 (职业作家)

Originally posted by jinguofeng at 2010-04-02 16:46:24:
前一段时间投了meat science 的一片文章,今天审稿结果出来啦,让大修。审稿人的意见比较尖锐,大家帮忙看一下,这样的文章进行修改再投是否还有可能。谢谢!
Reviewers' comments:

Re ...

2楼2010-04-02 17:04:46
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新虫 (初入文坛)

3楼2010-04-02 17:10:17
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银虫 (小有名气)

4楼2010-04-02 17:16:24
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木虫 (职业作家)

总比我的好,我的审稿人说 修改后重新投稿 还郁闷 些
5楼2010-04-02 17:20:27
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金虫 (正式写手)

6楼2010-04-02 18:47:35
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禁言 (著名写手)


7楼2010-04-02 19:33:35
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金虫 (著名写手)

8楼2010-04-02 19:35:07
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银虫 (小有名气)

是肉品科学杂志,影响因子大概是2.24多,我们做肉品研究的 都在这个期刊投稿
9楼2010-04-02 19:41:25
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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)


Originally posted by jinguofeng at 2010-04-02 19:41:25:
是肉品科学杂志,影响因子大概是2.24多,我们做肉品研究的 都在这个期刊投稿

10楼2010-07-06 15:05:32
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