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银虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 请大家帮帮忙,看看这是个什么状态,我应该怎么做-第三次修改了

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Chemical Engineering Science.

Although the Editor is happy with the revision in terms of scientific content, it is clear that the quality of the language is not good enough to allow for publication on CES. The authors are encouraged to get help from a professional or from the Elsevier editorial services (http://webshop.elsevier.com/languageediting/).
You can find the manuscript record listed under "Submissions Needing Revisions". Click "Revise" to submit your revision. (If you have forgotten your password, please click the "Forget your password" link located on the log-in screen.)

When submitting your revised paper, please include the following:

1) A separate document uploaded as "Response to Reviews" that carefully addresses the issues raised in the below comments, point by point. You should also include a suitable rebuttal to any specific request for change that has not been made.

2) A marked version (changes highlighted/marked) of your manuscript, which should be uploaded as a "Marked Revision". The clean, unmarked version usable for printing purposes should be uploaded as the "Manuscript".

When submitting your revised manuscript, please ensure that you upload the source files (e.g. Word). Uploading only a pdf file at this stage will create delays should your manuscript finally be accepted for publication. If your revised submission does not include the source files, we will contact you to request them.

[ Last edited by Kathy2011 on 2013-3-4 at 09:20 ]

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7楼2013-03-04 12:56:49
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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)


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seapass: 金币+1, 鼓励应助! 2013-03-04 10:21:25
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