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Precision agriculture is a way of thinking about how to improve production and get more from existing resources. It often    (1)    the use of technology. An example found mostly in wealthier countries is a computer-guided tractor. The computer does most of the driving. It uses signals from    (2)    in the Global Positioning System. GPS technology helps the tractor cut rows in straight lines and put the right amount of fertilizer in the right place.
Jimmy Messick is a farmer in northern Virginia, not far from Washington. He says the GPS guidance system makes it easy to come back later and plant the    (3)    in his fields of maize, or corn.
JIMMY MESSICK: "Because the tractor that's pulling the planter also has the same auto-guidance system in it as the tractor that applied the fertilizer and did this tillage, it will come back and put the seed right on top of these marks."
Because of the GPS guidance, Mr. Messick now pays half what he once did for fertilizer.
Bruce Erickson is an agronomist at Purdue University in Indiana. He says saving even a little bit of seed,    (4)    or fertilizer "computes directly to cost savings and less environmental damage."
Raj Khosla is an agronomist at Colorado State University. He says farmers in the developing world can use precision agriculture even without high-tech tractors.
RAJ KHOSLA: "We do not necessarily have to have complex, large    (5)    to practice what could be done as [simply] as using bottle caps."
The idea is to use a bottle cap to pour a    (6)    of fertilizer right next to each plant. It takes more work than simply throwing handfuls of fertilizer across a field.
But Mr. Khosla says researchers taught this   (7)    to farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. They discovered that it was worth    (8)    if they could only afford a small amount of fertilizer.
RAJ KHOSLA: "There was a huge difference: more than double, in terms of productivity."
Of course, new technology is not always so cheap. But Mr. Khosla says farmers could form a cooperative or combine their resources to pay for new equipment. He and other researchers worked with a farmer in India to precision-level his    (9)    . That kept the fields from developing wet and dry areas that reduced productivity. The farmer also added better fertilizers and insect control.
As a result, he was able to grow almost three times as much wheat on the same amount of land. Mr. Khosla says             (10)             And now, for a fee, he offers that as a service to his neighbors and other farmers.

1.        Worldwide
2.        Privately
3.        Stock
4.        Announced
5.        Securities
6.        financial experts
7.        online advertising
8.        virtual goods
9.        advertising agreement
10.        It offered one billion dollars to buy Instagram, an application for sharing photographs.

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木虫 (著名写手)


小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
5楼: Originally posted by fungixx at 2012-07-07 11:33:50
好久没听了~今天听听 赚点BBs娶媳妇用的

7楼2012-07-07 11:35:51
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荣誉版主 (文坛精英)


小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
2楼2012-07-07 11:32:27
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荣誉版主 (知名作家)


etin: 回帖置顶 2012-07-07 19:58:26

1. exchange vt. 交换;调换
例句:I'd like to exchange some pounds for dollars.
2. avoid vt. 避开,躲开
例句:I avoided him as much as possible.
3. increase vt. 增大;增加;增强
例句:Travel increases one's knowledge of the world.
4. earn vt. 赚得,挣得
例句:How much do you earn a week?
5. virtual adj. 事实上的,实际上的,实质上的
例句:He is in a state of virtual slavery.
6. criticize vt. 批评;批判;苛求
例句:He criticized her in a very unfair way.
7. application n. 应用,适用;运用
例句:Biology has practical applications.
8. approval n. 批准;认可
例句:The plan had the approval of the school authorities.

1. Interest in the stock has been building since Facebookannounced details of its initial public offering, or IPO, earlierthis year.
interest in 对……有兴趣
例句:He doesn't manifest much interest in his studies.  
2. Eduardo Saverin, a co-founder, has been strongly criticized forgiving up his United States citizenship.
give up 放弃
例句:The bottom line is that we (should) never give up.  
3. The company had earlier said it planned to offer three hundredthirty-seven million.
plan to do 计划做某事
例句:What do you plan to do this Friday?  
4. Facebook says it sees important income coming from this newmarket, which could reach fourteen billion dollars by twentysixteen.
come from 来自
例句:Ambient noise may come from any direction.  
5. The carmaker said it did not see results from the millions ofdollars it spent on advertising with Facebook.
spend on 在---方面花费
例句:She did not begrudge the money spent on her children's education.  

Facebook is the world’s biggest social network. It has over nine hundred million users worldwide. And it reported three point seven billion dollars in sales for last year.
The company has been privately held since two thousand four. That was when Mark Zuckerberg and several classmates at Harvard University started Facebook as a business. But on May eighteenth, Facebook becomes a publicly traded company. That means its shares will be listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange, and sold to the public.   
Interest in the stock has been building since Facebook announced details of its initial public offering, or IPO, earlier this year. The IPO will make billionaires of the company’s founders, including Mr. Zuckerberg. Eduardo Saverin, a co-founder, has been strongly criticized for giving up his United States citizenship. He will avoid a fifteen percent tax on the value of his shares by claiming to be a citizen of Singapore.
从Facebook今年早些时候宣布首次公开募股(IPO)的细节以来,其股票已引起了人们的兴趣。首次公开募股将使包括扎克伯格先生在内的几名公司创始人成为亿万富翁。创始人之一的Eduardo Saverin因放弃美国公民身份而一直备受指责,由于声称自己为新加坡公民,他将免于缴纳他所持有股份15%的税收。
This week, Facebook told the Securities and Exchange Commission that it wanted to increase the number of shares being offered to over four hundred twenty million. The company had earlier said it planned to offer three hundred thirty-seven million. The starting price has been set at between thirty-four and thirty-eight dollars -- also an increase. Now, some financial experts say Facebook could raise sixteen billion dollars, making it one of the biggest IPOs ever.
Facebook says most of its money comes from online advertising. But the company also says it expects to earn money from fees charged on the sales of virtual goods. These are digital products used in social games, not physical goods. Facebook says it sees important income coming from this new market, which could reach fourteen billion dollars by twenty sixteen.
Not everyone is pleased. General Motors ended its advertising agreement with Facebook this week. The carmaker said it did not see results from the millions of dollars it spent on advertising with Facebook.
And Facebook has been criticized for some recent business decisions. It offered one billion dollars to buy Instagram, an application for sharing photographs. The deal requires government approval and has yet to be finalized.   
Fcebook也因最近的一些商业决策而受到指责,该公司曾提出以10亿美元的价格收购 Instagram,这是一款用来共享图片的应用程序,这项交易需要政府批准,目前尚未完成。

So is Facebook worth the price of the stock? That will be for investors to decide.

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  • 附件 1 : 第19期备用音频.mp3
  • 2012-07-07 11:32:54, 1.73 M
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2楼: Originally posted by ANDPing at 2012-07-07 11:32:27

4楼2012-07-07 11:33:49
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