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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 审稿人之间可以看见对方的意见吗?

In addition, despite the first Editor's suggestions and the authors' modifications made (as follows from their reply to the Editor), the manuscript still abounds with linguistic flaws which have to be corrected (this is not a reviewer's duty). Some examples of important linguistic flaws (but not all of them) are mentioned below for guidance.
The manuscript may be further considered after a major revision, also with proper attention to the points listed below, in the order of their appearance throughout the text/Refs./Figs. (with line numbers/location given in brackets).
More specific comments:
(Graphical abstract and Fig. 3):
修改意见回来,这是第二个审稿人的意见,怎么感觉他知道第一个人的评价,还在他的意见里面说了出来?同时还提出了Graphical abstract 的问题,感觉第二个审稿人会是编辑吗?

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木虫 (著名写手)

2楼: Originally posted by enjoy789 at 2012-01-13 10:44:02:
另外,有些期刊,在审稿结 ...

楼主正解  修改稿的时候应该都能看到
6楼2012-01-13 10:50:30
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