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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 审稿意见回复请教已有4人参与

投了篇有关外来物种风险评价的文章到国外杂志,主编的意见是minor revision。审稿人意见是well researched and well writen, 没提到论文存在什么问题。
1 但是审稿人提了似乎不相干的问题,他认为,中国的外来入侵物种与植被破坏有关,应该考虑植被破坏对物种入侵的影响以及植被恢复计划。我觉得很难把这部分内容进行充分的展开,因为与主题相差较大,不知如何处理?如果在文中对该意见一笔带过,稍微补充一下,算是应付一下,是否可行?然后在修改说明里,表示赞成审稿人的意见?  
2 另外,审稿人在意见中提到日本有学者做过一项植被恢复与物种入侵的研究案例,但是,没提到论文名、期刊名和作者名,我实在找不到他所提到的文献,只找到类似文献,如何处理?

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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

2楼2010-07-27 21:55:49
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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)


既然“主编的意见是minor revision”,就没有太大关系,说明一下就可以,对审稿人尊重点,尽量加些讨论和相关文章。回答得妥当,主编可以直接接收。
Originally posted by becbec at 2010-07-27 20:41:36:
投了篇有关外来物种风险评价的文章到国外杂志,主编的意见是minor revision。审稿人意见是well researched and well writen, 没提到论文存在什么问题。
1 但是审稿人提了似乎不相干的问题,他认为,中国的外来入 ...

3楼2010-07-27 22:03:45
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新虫 (小有名气)


The paper is well researched and well written, but in a country such as China, where nearly all natural vegetation has been removed or highly modified, especially in the eastern half of the country, invasive plants are really not the problem.  The problem is that China is so highly disturbed and the natural environment so thoroughly destroyed, or even totally removed in some places, that almost any plants that cover up the bare soil, regardless of their origin, serve a useful purpose.  If the natural environments could be restored, it is likely that introduced plants would disappear.  Such an experiment was carried out at the Kochi Makino Botanical Garden in Kochi, Shikoku, Japan, where a bare piece of land was restored to what the forest was originally.  For the first five or six years the staff made an effort to remove all non native plants, but after the vegetation had developed sufficiently the non native plants essentially disappeared on their own - they were unable to survive in a natural environment.  In intact natural forests the introduced plants are rare, but where the land has been stripped of its natural vegetation and where the soil has been badly disturbed, then there are introduced plants, and also native invasive plants.  The best way to combat introduced plants is to restore the natural environment. Perhaps the authors should address the loss of China's natural vegetation in relation

4楼2010-07-27 22:09:27
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金虫 (文坛精英)

5楼2010-07-27 22:58:28
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