Dear Prof. XXX,
Thank you for submitting your manuscript to JCIE.I enclose the comments of the referees on your paper:
Paper No. :4334
According to the comments, your manuscript in the present form is not acceptable for publication. For the further consideration for publication, I should be grateful if you would revise your paper in the light of these comments and prepare the responses to the comments.
Reviewer B:
Reviewer D:
The manuscript discussed xxxxx………………………..xxxxxxxxxxxx. The reviewer has the following comments or questions for the authors’ references.
1. 对文中采用的模拟方法提问,是方法A还是B,另外建议这里额外讨论一下这个方法的具体细节
2. 建议列出文章中采用的一些计算参数,以供其它读者按照本文方法进行计算时对比
3. 唯一的不满:文中建立的数值计算模型的网格尺寸比较粗糙,评委很好奇为什么会这样
“As per the authors mentioned, the element size was about 8m.Comparing to the size of the analyzed models, this may be too large. The reviewer was wondering if a smaller element size was ever tried out in the models and only to find that the most applicable element size is at thegiven value.“
4. 建议在文章的图中给出一些尺寸参数(这也算是审稿意见?)
5. 建议在文中的一些公式标注单位(这也算是审稿意见?)
6. 建议增加工程实例。并简要评论。
The steps of upload revised paper are as follows,
1. Remove any author information (names and affiliations) from the
manuscript and combine your respondent file(on front page) with revised
manuscript into one file .
2. Log in to your account and click on the linked title of your submission,
and upload your revised version from the "summary/review" page on JCIE
website (http://jcie.ntust.edu.tw/www/index.php/JCIE) within sixty days
after you receive this notice.
3. Upon completion, it is important use the "Notify Editor" icon to notify
your Section Editor, or your revised manuscript will not be reviewed
Your sincerely, |