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木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] Reject and Resubmit,大家有没有遇到这种情况?

anal bioanal chem 的审稿意见终于出来了,可怎么也高兴不起来,Reject and Resubmit,大家有没有遇到这种情况?


The article is “copy-paste” version of the reference 31. Some the paragraphs are even identical like the one on the pH, only the molecule used for the study is different.

The experimental section is very poor, figure legends and captions are confused and do not contain all the necessary information and references are not always properly formatted (in ref 1 and 28 first names instead of last names are used). Altogether, this lack of precisions renders the manuscript hard to follow.

The Editor would like to encourage you to prepare a completely new version of your manuscript and to resubmit this to the Journal.

1) Editor Comments:

The authors are requested to rewrite the contribution as a Note. They must also explain the real novelty compared to the previous similar paper already published, as mentioned by referee A.

2) Editorial Office Comments: As one of the referee's mentioned, copy & paste from previous own or other publications is not permissible. Please re-write these sections.

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