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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 第一篇SCI大修修回,焦急等待中,祈福~~~附审稿意见已有4人参与

with ediitor大概近两个月后under review,8月20号返回审稿意见:副主编给了major revision。
Reviewer #1: Does this paper need editing in the language used (language improvement)?

YES __  NO _x_

Please write your report on this submission:

1. Type of Contribution: In this paper the authors reported the research on development of a robust method based×××××. Though ×××××has been researched for a long time, the authors have presented a comprehensive experimental validation to demonstrate the benefits achieved by the proposed approach, leading to a major improvement of a known method, and hence a significant contribution to the research field, in terms of major development of a known application.

2. Potential Impact and overall quality: The overall contribution by the authors in this paper does have a high reference value, though for limited readership, and overall quality of the work done is good, though they have used well known ×××××approaches, the line of investigation is thorough and convincing with extensive experimental validation.

3.Originality and Technical Correctness: Though there is no ground breaking idea, the authors have put together a coherent story backed with evidence in terms of a principled approach and experimental plan, that is technically sound and correct,  deserves recognition and warrants publication in this journal.

4. Experimental Evaluation and Clarity of presentation: The experimental evaluation is thorough and convincing and the paper has been written well with clarity of thoughts presented properly.

5. Linguistic quality: The linguistic quality is good, though there seem to be minor typographical errors. A thorough proof reading once may eliminate those errors.

6. Adequacy of references: This is where the paper is a bit weak, as it did not cite some of the important and recent research literature in this area. Including some or all of the following references will ensure that a thorough reference to literature has been done for pursuing this research.
Additional References needed:
  7. Quality of illustrations is excellent and demonstrates some key findings in a convincing manner.

I recommend the paper to be accepted subject to revisions with inclusion of additional key references as mentioned above.

Reviewer #2: ×××××are combined together for ××××××. Experimental results comparing with only applying ××××××demonstrate the improvement of the proposed scheme. Some points need to be revised so as to improve the readibility.

1. The linguistic quality of this paper need to be improved.

2. One recent paper related to the area of ×××××need to be introduced as following:
3. It would be better that the authors may show the running time for extracting ×××××××××.

大约13天后9月3号返回修改稿,现在还是revision submitted to journal.
看到以前该杂志有的修改后返回1天就accept ,3天accept的比较多,在此祈福录用~~~

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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼2013-09-05 10:02:28
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银虫 (著名写手)

顶一下,我也是前天才把大修的,投出去,现在是under review,应该送出去再审了,哎祈祷啊。。。
3楼2013-09-05 10:30:43
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新虫 (初入文坛)

论文今天录用啦,很开心,起码是SCI IF=2.3
9.3 revision submitted to journal
9.5 sent back to author
9.5 revision submitted to journal
9.7 accept
4楼2013-09-08 09:42:43
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新虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
我的小修上传3天了,现在都还是initial QC呢。。。耐心等待即可
5楼2013-09-08 11:54:01
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捐助贵宾 (著名写手)


表示看不懂   但是祝福
6楼2014-07-15 22:13:36
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新虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
7楼2014-10-24 20:13:08
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