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[交流] International Journal of Food Science and Technology返回意见了,大家帮忙看看吧

The reviewer(s) have recommended major revisions to your manuscript. Therefore, I invite you to respond to the reviewer(s)' comments and revise your manuscript. To bring your manuscript to a state of acceptability you must respond to each of the reviewer's comments and either alter your manuscript as requested or state why you consider the suggestion inappropriate. Please be aware that your response and revisions do NOT guarantee eventual acceptance of your manuscript. Please ensure that you return your revised text within on month of the date of this e-mail.
Referee 1 Comments to the Author:

I do not see any novelty in the results presented. Hence I do not recommend the publication of this paper.

In the present study the authors report the stability of sucrose in methyl esters of selected fatty acids in the presence or absence of added surfactants. Thermal gravimetric analysis was used to study the stability of sugars used. The authors have worked out a protocol for making sucrose esters with better efficiency.
I find that the data is too preliminary to warrant its publication in the present form

Referee: 2
Comments to the Author
Overall the paper is well written but could be improved by having the language checked before submission either by a native speaker / person educated in the language or by professional consultants. There are areas, as things stand where either ambiguity or difficulty in catching the entire meaning occur.
The paper presents interestin findings which may be of great use in the industry of sucrose ester production in terms of process and product optimisation.
Below are a range of suggestions both linguistic and scientific that should be considered for revision. They appear in chronological order.


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