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银虫 (小有名气)

[求助] Nature Communications 被拒,申诉还有机会么?


Your manuscript entitled "******" has now been seen by 2 referees, whose comments are appended below. In the light of their advice I regret to inform you that we cannot publish your manuscript in Nature Communications.

You will see that, while Reviewer #1 in particular finds your work of some interest, both referees nonetheless raise substantive concerns that cast doubt on the advance your findings represent over earlier work and the strength of the novel conclusions that can be drawn at this stage. In particular, they both discuss the degree to which this work advances our understanding compared earlier work, including ref. 33. Unfortunately, these reservations are sufficiently important to preclude publication of this study in Nature Communications.

We appreciate that, with further work, it may be possible for you to address the technical concerns these referees raise (indeed, I have little doubt that you could), and that nothing in what they have said need necessarily prevent the publication of this work in some forum. However, I am afraid that none of their comments allows us to conclude that it provides the sort of significant conceptual advance in general understanding that would be likely to command the attention of our diverse readership. We therefore feel that it would find a more appropriate outlet in a more specialist journal, rather than Nature Communications.

I know that this decision will disappoint you, especially in view of the positive recommendations of Reviewer #1, but I should explain that we do not ask referees to say whether or not they think that a paper belongs in Nature Communications (the determination of which is a solely editorial prerogative). Instead, we ask them to tell us specifically what they feel to be the paper's contribution, and what its significance might be, and based on these comments and our own editorial criteria we decide whether publication in Nature Communications is appropriate. In this regard, although Reviewer #2 discusses the suitability of your manuscript for Nature, we feel that their editorial comments in this case apply equally to Nature Communications.

I am sorry that we cannot be more positive on this occasion and thank you for the opportunity to consider your work.

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专家顾问 (著名写手)


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感谢参与,应助指数 +1
figoyun: 金币+5, ★★★很有帮助 2013-05-18 14:59:47
猪会飞: 金币+4, 鼓励交流 2013-05-18 17:06:15
zhenghaiw: 金币+1, 有道理! 2013-05-18 23:42:47
编辑已经详细的解释了该稿件不适合Nat Comm的原因了,最主要就是新颖性不够,属于硬伤。这种情况再申诉不太现实,建议直接转投它刊。
2楼2013-05-18 14:45:57
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银虫 (小有名气)

zhenghaiw: 金币+1, 鼓励参与! 2013-05-18 23:43:02
2楼: Originally posted by sally208 at 2013-05-18 14:45:57
编辑已经详细的解释了该稿件不适合Nat Comm的原因了,最主要就是新颖性不够,属于硬伤。这种情况再申诉不太现实,建议直接转投它刊。

3楼2013-05-18 15:03:24
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专家顾问 (著名写手)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
3楼: Originally posted by figoyun at 2013-05-18 15:03:24
比较好的实验结果, ...

4楼2013-05-18 15:17:28
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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)



感谢参与,应助指数 +1
5楼2013-05-18 17:07:38
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至尊木虫 (文学泰斗)


感谢参与,应助指数 +1
6楼2013-05-18 17:29:22
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木虫 (职业作家)



感谢参与,应助指数 +1
难, 改投 choose another journal
7楼2013-05-18 22:44:36
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木虫 (正式写手)

8楼2013-10-28 15:06:58
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铁虫 (著名写手)



Let's rock science!
9楼2013-10-28 16:27:09
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