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[资源] 2013年新著——乳酸菌(英文版)

"Lactic Acid Bacteria: R & D for Food, Health and Livestock Purposes" ed. by Marcelino Kongo
InTeOp | 2013 | ISBN: 9535109556 9789535109556 | 669 pages | PDF | 12 MB

This book is a compilation and discussion of the outstanding scientific research activities concerning actually and future applications of LAB. It is directed to a vast public of readers - researcher, academics, corporate R&D, students or just curious interested in the subject.

Ongoing scientific research in many parts of the world on the genomics,
proteomics and genetic engineering of LAB is increasing our understanding of their physiology, pushing further the boundaries for their potential applications.

Section 1 Dairy Food Products
1 Lactic Acid Bacteria as Starter-Cultures for Cheese Processing: Past, Present and Future Developments
2 Lactic Acid Bacteria Resistance to Bacteriophage and Prevention Techniques to Lower Phage Contamination in Dairy Fermentation
3 Redox Potential: Monitoring and Role in Development of Aroma Compounds, Rheo logical Properties and Survival of Oxygen Sensitive Strains During the Manufacture of Fermented Dairy Products
Section 2 Meat Products
4 Potential of Fermented Sausage-Associated Lactic Acid Bacteria to Degrade Biogenic Amines During Storage
5 The Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Safety and Flavour Development of Meat and Meat Products
Section 3 Vegetable a Cereal Products
6 Lactic Acid Bacteria in Biopreservation and the Enhancement of the Functional Quality of Bread
7 Fermentation of Vegetable Juices by Lactobacillus Acidophilus LA-5
Section 4 Health Applications Purposes
8 Lactic Acid Bacteria as Probiotics: Characteristics, Selection Criteria and Role in I mmuno modulation of Human GI Muccosal Barrier
9 Probiotics and Intestinal Microbiota: Implications in Colon Cancer Prevention
10 Highlights in Probiotic Research
11 Dose Effects of LAB on Modulation of Rotavirus Vaccine Induced Immune Responses
12 Bifidobacterium in Human GI Tract: Screening, Isolation, Survival and Growth Kinetics in Simulated Gastrointestinal Conditions
13 Lactic Fermentation and Bioactive Peptides
Section 5 Livestock Feed
14 Lactic Acid Bacteria in Tropical Grass Silages
15 Ruminal Digestibility and Quality of Silage Conserved via Fermentation by Lactobacilli
Section 6 Fish a Seafood Products
16 Lactic Acid Bacteria and Their Bacteriocins: A Promising Approach to Seafood Biopreservation
17 Selection of Lactobacillus Species from Intestinal Microbiota of Fish for Their Potential Use as Biopreservatives
Section 7 New Fields of Application
18 Exploring Surface Display Technology for Enhancement of Delivering Viable Lactic Acid Bacteria to Gastrointestinal Tract
19 Lactic Acid Bacteria and Mitigation of GHG Emission from Ruminant Livestock
20 Lactose and |3-Glucosides Metabolism and Its Regulation in Lactococcus lactis: A Review
21 Lactic Acid Bacteria in Hydrogen-Producing Consortia: On Purpose or by Coincidence?
22 Exopolysaccharides of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Food and Colon Health Applications
23 Dynamic Stresses of Lactic Acid Bacteria Associated to Fermentation Processes
24 Lactic Acid Bacteria in Philippine Traditional Fermented Foods
25 Lactic Acid Bacteria as Source of Functional Ingredients
26 The Current Status and Future Expectations in Industrial Production of Lactic Acid by Lactic Acid Bacteria
27 Application of Amylolytic Lactobacillus fermentum 04BBA19 in Fermentation for Simultaneous Production of Thermostable a-Amylase and Lactic Acid

InTeOp | 2013 | ISBN: 9535109556 9789535109556 | 669 pages | PDF | 12 MB

[ Last edited by Pureland on 2013-2-1 at 08:36 ]

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