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木虫 (小有名气)

[求助] Materials Letters的回复是不是要交钱修改英文?这可咋办?


We regret to inform you that your manuscript has failed in the initial formal technical criteria assessment.


In its current state, the level of English throughout your manuscript does not meet the journal's required standard. Authors have the responsibility to present papers in good English which can be understood by the journal's readership. If reviewers cannot understand your work as easily as possible, the acceptance possibility of your article will be lowered greatly.

We will NOT consider a revised version of your manuscript, unless it has received a complete re-writing to improve the level of English.


Your manuscript is NOT in accordance with every aspect listed within the author guidelines. Your manuscript should include, but not be limited to, the comments mentioned below.

1) In its current state, the level of English throughout your manuscript does not meet the journal's desired standard. There are a number of grammatical errors and instances of badly worded/constructed sentences. Please check the manuscript and refine the language carefully.

2) Abstract should be within 100-200 words. Your abstract is less than 100 words.

3) A minimum of 2 keywords should be provided from the list of keywords recommended by Materials Letters. This list is found at the end of the Guide for Authors for this Journal.

4) Please note that the reference list must conform strictly to the Guide for Authors.  Article title should be provided.


If you thoroughly revise your manuscript in accordance with what is stated above in (1) and (2) we welcome you to resubmit it, however, we will again check your manuscript for adherence to technical criteria. Passing this is not a guarantee that your submission will subsequently proceed to the peer review process, which is a decision to be made at the sole discretion of the Editor.

Yours sincerely,

D. Jones
Administrative Support Agent [02-Feb-11]
Materials Letters

With ever-increasing standards of excellence in both research and publishing, it is in an author's best interest to make sure his/her paper is in its best possible form when submitted for publication - that includes the quality of the written English, accurate illustrations, adherence to the Guide for Authors, and the presentation of factual, accurate data.

If you have difficulty with the English language or your illustrations, you may consult a professional editing service. There are numerous services available throughout the world.

To find out about Elsevier Language Editing Services please visit; http://webshop.elsevier.com/languageservices/
For Elsevier Illustration Services please visit; http://webshop.elsevier.com/illustrationservices/  

Use of these or any other Language Editing or Illustration Services is not mandatory, and will not guarantee selection for peer review or acceptance for publication in an Elsevier journal or any other publication. For more information please refer to our Terms & Conditions at the link below:

http://elsevier.com/wps/find/ter ... ome/termsconditions

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银虫 (正式写手)


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pymwf: 金币+5 2012-06-10 23:11:30
参考文献的格式不对,需要按照Guide for Authors修改。
弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子! http://shijianyuanding.com/
2楼2012-06-10 03:33:35
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木虫之王 (文学泰斗)




感谢参与,应助指数 +1
In its current state, the level of English throughout your manuscript does not meet the journal's required standard修改英文

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3楼2012-06-10 05:16:12
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超级版主 (文学泰斗)

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4楼2012-06-10 06:50:28
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木虫 (小有名气)

3楼: Originally posted by leimiao_hit at 2012-06-10 05:16:12
In its current state, the level of English throughout your manuscript does not meet the journal's required standard修改英文

5楼2012-06-10 23:12:07
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木虫 (小有名气)

4楼: Originally posted by nono2009 at 2012-06-10 06:50:28

6楼2012-06-10 23:12:21
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