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[求助] 审稿人的意见看的似懂非懂的,大家帮忙看一下呀

In my opinion, the paper should be deeply modified.
1. Engglish: It should be revised, both in style and grammar; in some parts the manuscript is heavy.
2. Introduction: Authors should explain why they choosed different locations in China: are the locations differenf for soil composition, for clima, for.....?
3. Authors must identify correctly the plant by the binomial and the Authority
4. Materials: Authors should indicate if they preserved specimena of the studied plants.
5. Authors should give more information about plant material
6. GC-MS analyses: Authors performed analyses on a DB5 column. Today, it is important to do these analyses by using almost two columns of different polarity
Table: Please give data with only a decimal and all data with the same number of digits!
Figures: Please delete Figures 2 and 3: thay are useless
The sentence that the variability in composition is very generic, please delete this sentence or justify with adequate references.

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2楼2012-05-21 20:22:20
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