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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 一个月前收到这样的拒稿意见,修改后想再投该杂志,合适吗?已有9人参与


Thank you very much for submitting the above paper for review and possible publication in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.

We have examined the paper, and in the view of the Editorial Board, it appears that it is not suitable for publication in CJCE.  In particular, although the relevance to Canadian practice is somewhat remote, this is quite an interesting structure and the modelling and analysis is potentially worthy of consideration.

However, the quality of English is unacceptable.  Furthermore, the length of the manuscript substantially exceeds the 9000 word maximum permitted by the CJCE (our calculations show 7000 (text) words, 23 figures and 10 tables - which are each equivalent to 250 words apiece - totalling 8250 word equivalents, with a final manuscript total of 15,250 words.  

The Board has recommended that if the authors wish to resubmit a revised version of this paper to the CJCE, they must first substantially reduce its length so that it does not exceed 9000 words, and must also secure the services of a technical Editor with a strong background in English to improve the language and bring the English up to an acceptable standard.



It is published monthly by the National Research Council, with articles in English or French. It is intended the Journal will reflect and stimulate the practice of civil engineering in Canada.

[ Last edited by yyz83510 on 2011-4-4 at 10:06 ]

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新虫 (小有名气)

Originally posted by visitor958 at 2011-04-03 11:05:29:
当然可以,当时主要是文章太长,15,250 words,人家要9000以内。还有语言多检查一下,尽量写的与杂志有关(多讨论引用一些那个杂志的文章)。

谢谢啊,我现在还担心这个加拿大的杂志会不会主要针对他们国内的文章,他们的文章摘要都是英文和法文两种,而且the relevance to Canadian practice is somewhat remote,这句话也让我很纠结.
4楼2011-04-03 11:48:36
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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)


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sunke(金币+1): 鼓励回帖交流 2011-04-03 11:57:07
当然可以,当时主要是文章太长,15,250 words,人家要9000以内。还有语言多检查一下,尽量写的与杂志有关(多讨论引用一些那个杂志的文章)。
2楼2011-04-03 11:05:29
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新虫 (小有名气)

★ ★
sunke(金币+1): 鼓励回帖交流 2011-04-03 11:57:19
Originally posted by yyz83510 at 2011-04-03 11:00:39:

Thank you very much for submitting the above paper for review and possible publication in the Canadian Journal of Civil Eng ...

当然可以了,期刊社都叫你修改后重投,你就重新投那个期刊吧。按照审稿人和编辑的意见仔细修改,然后在cover letter中一条一条地说明你修改的地方,这样编辑很有可能把你的稿件送给以前那个审稿人审稿,减少审稿周期。
3楼2011-04-03 11:30:31
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新虫 (小有名气)

Originally posted by yonlay at 2011-04-03 11:30:31:
当然可以了,期刊社都叫你修改后重投,你就重新投那个期刊吧。按照审稿人和编辑的意见仔细修改,然后在cover letter中一条一条地说明你修改的地方,这样编辑很有可能把你的稿件送给以前那个审稿人审稿,减少审稿 ...

5楼2011-04-03 11:49:51
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