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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 请大家帮我看看这样的评语,还有修回录用可能吗?

I regret to inform you that on the basis of the reports and
comments received from the referee we are unable to accept the above-mentioned manuscript for publication in Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering in its present form.

The comments of the referee are enclosed for your consideration. We hope the information provided by the referees
is helpful to you. However, we would like to encourage you to
prepare a new version of your manuscript and to resubmit this to
the Journal. When you do so, please enter the original Manuscript ID in the appropriate field in the manuscript details page.

Please also carefully follow our guidelines for manuscript and artwork submission on the journal homepage when preparing a revision of your manuscript.

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禁虫 (著名写手)

44楼2011-02-13 13:53:46
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