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铜虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 审稿意见回来了,可是不知道接受的可能性,请大家帮忙看看已有8人参与

The five reviews for your manuscript are attached. The reviewers have raised points that require significant consideration and revision of the manuscript before it is suitable for publication. However, with adequate response and revision, the manuscript may be acceptable for publication in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Please give careful consideration to the reviewers’ comments and revise the manuscript as may be appropriate. The revised manuscript will be returned to the reviewers for further comments. We would like to receive your revision as soon as possible, 90 days at the latest.
Reviewer: 1 Comments to the Author The language of the paper must, however, be improved. I therefore suggest that the author send the paper to someone with specific competence on how to improve the language of scientific papers.(具体意见省略)If the authors address the above questions I am willing to read the manuscript again in detail to improve its quality.
Reviewer: 2 Comments to the Author The clarity of presentation should be improved and spelling mistakes should be checked and corrected. In this paper the authors presented a novel functional tannins-immobilized chitosan resin (TICR). Absorption of BSA on TICR has been investigated by varying contact time and protein initial concentration. In addition adsorption behaviour was discussed according to Langmuir model. The manuscript presents an interesting and innovative way to fabricate low-cost material for protein removal from aqueous solutions. The technical quality of this manuscript is acceptable but need to be extended.
Reviewer: 3  This paper is not ready for publication. It does not have a useful message, important features are overlooked, the experiments make little sense and important physical principles are confused.
Reviewer: 4 This article presents a “novel functional tannins-immobilized chitosan resin (TICR)” which has potential applications in the removal of proteins from solution. The concept is illustrated with BSA. Although it is known that chitosan is a suitable material for the adsorption of proteins such as BSA, the main premise (novelty) for this manuscript is based on the improved protein uptake when chitosan is modified with tannins. Although this is a logical expectation based on the phenolic groups in tannins and the basic nature of proteins, the authors need to provide an adequate comparison between the unmodified resin (CR) and the tannins modified counterpart (TICR) in order to justify the proposed novel resin. In this comparison, one would expect that the TICR is superior to the CR. Also, it would be very useful if the authors compare their novel TICR material to existing systems such as tannins immobilized on other supports such as carbon black in terms of ability to remove proteins (e.g., BSA).
Reviewer: 5 The work presented in this paper deals with the protein adsorption properties of tannins-immobilized chitosan resin. The removal of proteins from various media is a process of great economical importance. The topic seems to be within the scope of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. But the submitted article does not report any significant innovative research. I have not been convinced by the study of BSA adsorption. The authors seem not very familiar with this topic. The pH of adsorption is not controlled and not given. However it is one of the most important parameter to control in protein adsorption. Among the 30 references in the cited literature, only one is related to protein adsorption (ref. 27). There are about 2000 articles published each year on protein adsorption. I am sure that if the authors take the time to read some of them, they will realize that the adsorption of proteins is a much more complex phenomenon than the adsorption of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions, which they take as example to discuss their results (ref. 20, cited line 127).

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金虫 (正式写手)

However, with adequate response and revision, the manuscript may be acceptable for publication in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http://muchong.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=2580328
6楼2010-11-11 09:33:31
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