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金虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 【求助】我该如何定位及这些套磁信怎么回复?已有1人参与

1. Thank you for your interest in my research group at Washington University.  I will be looking for 1-2 new students to join my research group in Fall 2011.  We will begin reviewing applications in January.

2. Thank you for your interest in our graduate program in environmental engineering, science, and management. I will likely be taking on new PhD students in Fall 2011.  However, admission decisions are made by the EESM faculty as a whole. I thus am not in a position to offer any judgment about your chances for admission. However, I do encourage you to make application to our graduate program. I direct you to our CEE Department web page (***) for information about graduate application procedures. If you have questions about application procedures, please contact our CEE admissions staff whom I have copied on this message to let them know of your interest.

3.  I do not know right now if there will be a position available in my lab for next fall.  Nevertheless, I would encourage you to apply to our environmental engineering program.

4. We do admit several new Ph.D. students each year.  You are welcome to apply to our program.

5. Thank you for your interest in our graduate program.  I have forwarded your email to Professor James Tinjum, who manages admissions for our program.  He will contact you with information on how to apply.

6. ***。With regards to your inquiry concerning your likelihood of obtaining a position in one of my research teams, in fairness to all applicants I cannot comment on the likelihood of your admission into the program or of a position in one of my research groups until I have comparatively reviewed the full applications of all of the candidates. This will be done in January for fall 2011 admissions. If you are sincerely interested in joining our program, I encourage you to submit an application in time to be considered for whatever admission date suits your education plan. Applications and additional information may be found on the department website (***). I am also copying Dr. Sierra , as the Chair of the Environmental Engineering Graduate Study Committee, on this email.


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荣誉版主 (著名写手)


wsahdboy(金币+1):谢谢!好像你很有经验啊,, 2010-09-28 09:57:38
1-neutral, nothing else.

2-neutral +

3-neutral -

4-god, please pass it!




你申请的好象都是美国,每年都收,你要放大的是sth you are interested in and your motivation, not asking them are you enrolling new phd this year!!!
5楼2010-09-26 20:09:56
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荣誉版主 (著名写手)


7楼2010-09-28 18:42:54
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