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木虫 (职业作家)

[交流] 推荐桂林理工大学姚迪圣老师发表在Small Methods上关于钙钛矿电池的一篇最新论文

标题:Low‐Dimensional‐Networked Perovskites with A‐Site‐Cation Engineering for Optoelectronic Devices


Low‐dimensional‐networked (LDN) perovskites denote materials in which the molecular structure adopts 2D, 1D, or

0D arrangement. Compared to conventional 3D structured lead halide perovskite (chemical formula: ABX3 where A:

monovalent cations, B: divalent cations, X: halides) that have been studied widely as light absorber and used in

current state‐or‐the‐art solar cells, LDN perovskite have unique properties such as more flexible crystal

structure, lower ion transport mobility, robust stability against environmental stress such as moisture, thermal,

etc., making them attractive for applications in optoelectronic devices. Since 2014, reports on LDN perovskite

materials used in perovskite solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs), luminescent solar concentrators (LSC), and

photodetectors have been reported, aiming to overcome the obstacles of conventional 3DN perovskite materials in

these optoelectronic devices. In this review, the variable ligands used to make LDN perovskite materials are

summarized, their distinct properties compared to conventional 3D perovskite materials. The research progress of

optoelectronic devices including solar cells, LEDs, LSCs, and photodetectors that used different LDNs perovskite,

the roles and working mechanisms of the LDN perovskites in the devices are also demonstrated. Finally, key research

challenges and outlook of LDN materials for various optoelectronic applications are discussed.



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10楼2021-02-05 08:35:55
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