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银虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 这种审稿意见还有希望吗?大家帮忙看看已有1人参与


Reviewer: 2

Comments to the Author
Review of “Novel Dual Redundancy EHA Research and Controller Design”

The paper introduces the electro-hydrostatic actuators (EHA) system with a dual redundancy motor pump. A control method is proposed and applied to the system. In addition, a simulation model is built in the commercial Amesim software to simulate several working conditions.
As an overall comment, the paper topic is suitable for the journal, and the control part it is relatively complete. The block diagrams of the motor pump control and the hydraulic cylinder control are given. Based on those block diagrams, a block diagram of the whole system is presented, and the control method is applied on the diagrams. With the simulation model, the function of the control method can be analyzed and compared.
The paper, however, should be rejected or a substantial revision should be provided before it can get published. This reviewer believes that the weaknesses are described by the following points:
1.        The valve is a significant component in the system, but it is not considered in the block diagrams. The response specifications of the valve may have impact on the whole system. Why this component was neglected?
2.        The accumulator is simplified as an anti-cavitation component. What does it mean? More analysis should be performed on this project. The accumulator can not only store energy, but it can also compensate the differential flow rate from asymmetric actuators. This is not clear at all in the paper.
3.        What are the advantages of the dual redundancy motor-pump? These are not clear at all in the paper. Why this layout of EHA was choses with respect to the state of the art which has a single motor-pump? Perhaps the authors should take a standard EHA as baseline of comparison.
4.        No element is present to divide the flow in the considered circuit, so the motion of the actuators is totally constraint by the speed range of the motor(pump)! The system most likely cannot work in practice at low speed, with the schematic represented.
5.        The performance of the system shown in the paper is only the control response, but not the efficiency or the energy flow. For EHAs, efficiency is what most people care about. An energy analysis of the proposed solution should be addressed, or at least a proper reference should be given.

Some other details on the typesetting or expression:
1.        Equation (15), (16) and (17) seem a bit messy for the typesetting.
2.        The working mode in the figure 9 and figure 10 should be clearly defined.
3.        Equation (19), (22), (24) and more have some problems. (maybe the format problem)
4.        Spelling such as electrohydrostatic -> electro-hydrostatic, anticavitation -> anti-cavitation.
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新虫 (著名写手)

fromto1566(liouzhan654代发): 金币+1, 祝好运 2019-04-05 20:47:39

2楼2019-04-05 10:05:48
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木虫 (著名写手)

3楼2019-04-05 13:07:32
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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)


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4楼2019-04-05 14:11:58
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5楼2019-04-23 11:16:12
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