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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 求助!!!论文被编辑确定为一稿多投(实则不然),该如何处理?已有6人参与


2017.9.11 首先一篇长文投至期刊 A(二区 2.32),期刊 A 3天后拒绝,因为字数超限(13000字)。随后将长文理论部分与应用部分拆开,分为 Part I (7000字) 及 Part II (8000字)(两部分除了逻辑是相关的以外,内容没有仍何重复)仍然投至期刊 A。期刊 A 随后将 Part I 理论部分拒绝(可能因为其偏向应用)。

之后将 Part I 论文名字进行相应修改(意思为仅是理论分析)并投至期刊 B(三区 1.72)。经过四个月审稿后得到意见 (2018.1.20)(R1建议小修后接受,R2认为文章贡献不大,需要有实际应用)。按照 R2 的意见,将 Part II 中的应用核心部分及一小部分实验结果作为一个小节(5.4 An application example of …)加入 Part I(整体不超过 1 页,900字左右)。

It is identified by one of the reviewers that you have submitted an almost identical article to [Journal A]. It is considered a dishonesty and serious offence for such a behavior since at the time of submission that you confirmed this paper was only submitted [Journal B] and was not submitted to under review elsewhere.
Based on the above, your paper is rejected for publication at EO.  Review comments are provided for your reference at the end of this email, nevertheless.  
R1: I believe that this paper needs a minor revision and can be considered for publication at [Journal B] after this revision.
R2: I am pleased to report that upon the review of the revised version of the article, I can recommend it for publication with some revisions.……Therefore, the paper will be recommended for publication after addressing following items:
但是 R2 提到:
It can be inferred from the article that the *** algorithm is the original contribution of this article. If that is correct, the authors need to mention that in the section which summaries the contribution of the paper and comment on the algorithm's performance in comparison to other methods.However, if the algorithm is borrowed from another working/submitted articles, authors may need to identify that and use appropriate citing.

It is considered a dishonesty and serious offence for such a behavior since at the time of submission that you confirmed this paper was only submitted [Journal B] and was not submitted to under review elsewhere.

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5楼2018-03-21 22:19:09
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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼2018-03-21 21:18:25
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木虫 (正式写手)

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liouzhan654: 金币+1, 感谢交流 2018-03-22 08:46:49
3楼2018-03-21 21:31:37
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至尊木虫 (职业作家)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

4楼2018-03-21 21:41:41
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