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版主 (正式写手)

[交流] 2018 Do you have any expectation or wish ?

Hey boys and girls, you know what, the next Gaokao is almost there, haha, never mind.

But you know what, the FIFA World Cup is almost there !!! OMG, i cannot believe it, but it is reaching!

And, oh, well, you know what, i started my PhD before the last World Cup. Now, four years later, the World Cup is coming again, but i am still doing my PhD. So i guess you know my expectation for sure, don't you?

And, yes, from the bottom of my heart, i wish you all the best and enjoy your communication in EC.

So, Come on, let us have a talk about the new year expectation and your new year wishes.

stay low key, work hard, and do your best
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银虫 (小有名气)

i want to be a teacher ,so  i had the test last weekend, the result will be coming in 6th Mar。Hope its a good news .pls
3楼2018-01-11 10:41:06
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新虫 (知名作家)

2楼2018-01-10 14:31:05
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银虫 (小有名气)

by the way ,i want know if its hard for someone to graduated from PhD
4楼2018-01-11 10:43:33
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木虫 (正式写手)

The FIFA World Cup could be held in next time,but the GaoKao is the only one chance you can use to change your future.
5楼2018-01-16 10:59:45
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