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[交流] 2018 Do you have any expectation or wish ?

Hey boys and girls, you know what, the next Gaokao is almost there, haha, never mind.

But you know what, the FIFA World Cup is almost there !!! OMG, i cannot believe it, but it is reaching!

And, oh, well, you know what, i started my PhD before the last World Cup. Now, four years later, the World Cup is coming again, but i am still doing my PhD. So i guess you know my expectation for sure, don't you?

And, yes, from the bottom of my heart, i wish you all the best and enjoy your communication in EC.

So, Come on, let us have a talk about the new year expectation and your new year wishes.


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stay low key, work hard, and do your best
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版主 (正式写手)

5楼: Originally posted by liuhfyabao at 2018-01-16 10:59:45
The FIFA World Cup could be held in next time,but the GaoKao is the only one chance you can use to change your future.

haha, Gaokao holds once a year, we can have the second, third, or as many times as we want before getting an ideal score. but not everyone has that much determination.
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
6楼2018-01-16 13:04:32
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版主 (正式写手)

8楼: Originally posted by Bob黄 at 2018-01-24 23:33:35
Sounds good,my Gaokao score is relative low last year,but I'm tired to try again.This is horrible.

haha, all depends on how you feel about it. but a few years later, when u look back. there was nothing a big issue.

[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
9楼2018-01-25 08:30:23
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版主 (正式写手)

10楼: Originally posted by 寒三chem at 2018-01-25 08:47:46
2017 I got married with my wife and we bougt house.
2018 I hope to succeed in getting the license plate , although I can't affor to buy a car,

Best wishes!!
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
11楼2018-01-25 09:28:00
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版主 (正式写手)

12楼: Originally posted by Bob黄 at 2018-01-25 12:57:47
I hope so.I hope that I can search for a unbad job after three and half years.

then after another few years after finding a job, you will see there is nothing a big issue again. at this moment, you think finding a good job is a big challenge, but when u are already there, you may don't think about it. you can put something into a period of 5 years or 10 years or longer and think about it. then put it into 1 year or 1 month. I think u will then find something.
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
13楼2018-01-25 13:17:04
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版主 (正式写手)

14楼: Originally posted by 烟圈o0 at 2018-02-24 11:58:34
money,money and money!

you don't need that much money, man
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
15楼2018-02-24 15:22:18
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版主 (正式写手)

18楼: Originally posted by 烟圈o0 at 2018-02-24 16:35:25
i want to change my asset to positive...

let me try,+++++++++++………………, enough now?

[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
19楼2018-02-24 19:34:35
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版主 (正式写手)

20楼: Originally posted by 吴23894 at 2018-02-24 20:49:25
I wish having a better job in a good foreign-founded company. Blessing me!

cheers man, English Cafe will always bless you and wish all your dreams come true
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
21楼2018-02-24 20:51:59
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版主 (正式写手)

23楼: Originally posted by 哈哈呵呵666 at 2018-03-17 14:28:49
this year, I hope my English chould become morebatter, and then I can have a good memory in aboard

you can do it

[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
24楼2018-03-17 18:36:20
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版主 (正式写手)

25楼: Originally posted by 1372015 at 2018-04-03 13:58:31
I want to improve my job skills ,get a good income. Go to a good university for my master degree

youcan do it. just set up your goals into small pieces and finish them one by one

[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
27楼2018-04-03 17:53:11
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