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版主 (正式写手)

[交流] 2018 Do you have any expectation or wish ?

Hey boys and girls, you know what, the next Gaokao is almost there, haha, never mind.

But you know what, the FIFA World Cup is almost there !!! OMG, i cannot believe it, but it is reaching!

And, oh, well, you know what, i started my PhD before the last World Cup. Now, four years later, the World Cup is coming again, but i am still doing my PhD. So i guess you know my expectation for sure, don't you?

And, yes, from the bottom of my heart, i wish you all the best and enjoy your communication in EC.

So, Come on, let us have a talk about the new year expectation and your new year wishes.

stay low key, work hard, and do your best
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新虫 (知名作家)

2楼2018-01-10 14:31:05
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银虫 (小有名气)

i want to be a teacher ,so  i had the test last weekend, the result will be coming in 6th Mar。Hope its a good news .pls
3楼2018-01-11 10:41:06
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银虫 (小有名气)

by the way ,i want know if its hard for someone to graduated from PhD
4楼2018-01-11 10:43:33
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木虫 (正式写手)

The FIFA World Cup could be held in next time,but the GaoKao is the only one chance you can use to change your future.
5楼2018-01-16 10:59:45
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版主 (正式写手)

5楼: Originally posted by liuhfyabao at 2018-01-16 10:59:45
The FIFA World Cup could be held in next time,but the GaoKao is the only one chance you can use to change your future.

haha, Gaokao holds once a year, we can have the second, third, or as many times as we want before getting an ideal score. but not everyone has that much determination.
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
6楼2018-01-16 13:04:32
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木虫 (正式写手)

6楼: Originally posted by molmolsong at 2018-01-16 13:04:32
haha, Gaokao holds once a year, we can have the second, third, or as many times as we want before getting an ideal score. but not everyone has that much determination....

I agree. Just one word:Follow your heart.
7楼2018-01-17 10:00:34
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新虫 (小有名气)

6楼: Originally posted by molmolsong at 2018-01-16 13:04:32
haha, Gaokao holds once a year, we can have the second, third, or as many times as we want before getting an ideal score. but not everyone has that much determination....

Sounds good,my Gaokao score is relative low last year,but I'm tired to try again.This is horrible.

[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
8楼2018-01-24 23:33:35
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版主 (正式写手)

8楼: Originally posted by Bob黄 at 2018-01-24 23:33:35
Sounds good,my Gaokao score is relative low last year,but I'm tired to try again.This is horrible.

haha, all depends on how you feel about it. but a few years later, when u look back. there was nothing a big issue.

[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
9楼2018-01-25 08:30:23
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铁虫 (小有名气)

2017 I got married with my wife and we bougt house.
2018 I hope to succeed in getting the license plate , although I can't affor to buy a car,
10楼2018-01-25 08:47:46
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