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ÁªÏµ·½Ê½:  lingqian.chang@unt.edu£¨Email and attached C.V. in English£©

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ÃÀ¹ú±±µÂÖÝ´óѧUniversity of North Texas

PhD student Position at University of North Texas
(Research key words: Micro-/nano-fabrication, BioMEMS, Lab on Chip, Biosensors)

Two PhD research assistant positions is available at University of North Texas, from September 2017, with Dr. Lingqian Chang.

Our lab research domain includes Micro-/Nano-fabrication, MEMS, BioMEMS. We aim to design and develop advanced micro-/nano-chips, devices, sensors with their applications in biomedical engineering, cell biology and healthcare. The current interests are focused on advanced Micro-/Nano-Electroporation Devices and Micro-/Nano-sensors with the application in cancer detection, gene delivery and protein sampling, geared towards low-cost, multi-functionality, high-throughput and ultimately commercialized products. Another aim is to leverage novel micro-/nano-fabrication technologies, transitioning from conventional capabilities (e.g. clean-room nanofabrication) to novel possibilities (e.g. 3D printing, polymer synthesis, stretchable electronics). Candidates with background in (1) Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering, especially experienced on cleanroom fabrication, e.g. photolithography, reactive ion etching, chemical deposition; or (2) Biomedical Engineering / Biology, with training on cell culture and analysis (e.g. PCR, Confocal microscope) will be considered as priority. Interested individuals should contact Dr. Chang (changlingqian1986@gmail.com) with C.V. attached. Students can apply Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering, as their majors while working with Dr. Chang.

Dr. Lingqian Chang joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering at University of North Texas as an assistant professor in Aug 2017. He obtained a PhD degree of Biomedical Engineering at Ohio State University in 08/2016, and worked at Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University from 09/2016 to 06/2017. Prior to study in US, he obtained B.S. from Electrical Engineering at Dalian University of Technology in 2008 and M.S. from Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011.

He has published more than 40 papers on peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Nanotechnology, Nano Letters, Small, Lab Chip, Carbon, etc. He is also the associated editor of European Journal of Biomedical Research and editors of Computer in Biology and Medicine.
For more information about his research and publications, please visit:
https://scholar.google.com/citat ... AAAAJ&hl=en

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