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禁虫 (文学泰斗)

[资源] 【英美经典书籍】《在可控自由基聚合方面的研究进展: 机制和技术》【已搜索,无重复】

【英美经典书籍】《Progress in Controlled Radical Polymerization: Mechanisms and Techniques》【已搜索,无重复】

作者: Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Brent S. Sumerlin, Nicolay V. Tsarevsky
2012年,339 页,PDF 格式,10 MB。
Language: English

This book is the first volume in a two-volume compilation on controlled/living radical polymerization. It combines all important aspects of controlled radical polymerization: from synthetic procedures, to rational selection of reaction components, to understanding of the reaction mechanisms, to materials and applications.

This book is focused on recent progress in the rapidly developing field of controlled/living radical polymerization. It is a sequel to ACS Symposium Series 685, 768, 854, 944, 1023, and 1024. Volume 1100 deals with the mechanistic aspects of controlled radical polymerization and describes the recent advances in the most important techniques, whereas Volume 1101 contains chapters on new materials prepared by controlled radical polymerization as well as applications of these materials.
.【英美经典书籍】《在可控自由基聚合方面的研究进展: 机制和技术》【已搜索,无重复】

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