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新虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 稿件大修,审稿人提出的几个问题不好解决,求助各位大神

Reviewer #2: Please revise well the following comments and queries and answer to determine validity of this research

9- Absorption capacity of polymers section ……….. The analyzed concentrations (150 <mu>g/mL) of both THP and CHA reveal very bad sensitivity of the chromatographic procedure also there is no pointing at limits of detection and quantitation for the analytes by the chromatographic method. Do the starting concentrations for calibration ranges are the LOQ values?

16- Validation of SPE-HPLC method section …….. The mentioned linearity range (1 - 100 <mu>g/mL) indicates low sensitivity of the chromatographic method which is not compatible with analysis biological samples(没看懂,怎么解决)

17- Regression equations for both drugs show huge slopes (63143 and 27096) indicating that the regression line is nearly perpendicular to the x-axis which is not accepted……… The very large values of intercepts confirm that the chromatographic analytical method extremely lacks selectivity ……… How did you construct the calibration curves and for how many points? At which matrix did you construct calibration curves? Why didn't you explore figures for calibration curves of the analytes?(本人疑问:难道标准曲线截距大小有规定?)

20- Figure (9) ……. You mentioned that the mobile phase system is methanol/water/acetic acid (20/80/0.4, v/v/v) …….Didn't you mention before that Acetic acid is added as 0.4 % of the total system, so it is wrong to write it in this manner.
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铜虫 (正式写手)


2楼2017-07-29 14:20:03
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