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[交流] ISA transactions会被镇压吗已有1人参与

ISA transactions这个期刊会被镇压吗,自引率已经40%以上了,最近几年,影响因子从1左右直升到2.9,觉得这个期刊对口,速度也可以,但是不敢投
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新虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
楼主你好,我长期在这个期刊投稿和审稿,确实没有遇到过要求自引的情况。 IEEE TIE和TIM以前有这个要求,现在也没有了。  我窃以为目前的审稿强度和把关力度,ISA的水平虽然不及Journal of process control. 但是应该也相距正在缩小。 上述为个人意见。
JPC虽然好,目前审稿确实太慢了。 有时有些创新性比较好急着发出来与读者见面的稿子,就直接投ISA来争取快一点在线发表了。正式发表也不快。  
Dear Dr. **,
Thanks for your email. I suggest that the 2014 rate of self-citation was a coincidence. In 2014, we had two special issues and the average number of published papers were much higher than previous years.
I hope that you continue your association with the journal as an author and a reviewer.

Ahmad Rad
ISA Transactions - the Journal of Automation

At 08:39 PM 9/5/2015, you wrote:
Dear Prof. Rad,
          As a long-time reader and author of ISA Trans, I reallly appreciate the high quality of the papers and the editorials' hard work on organizing the issues.
However, I found that recently the journal's selfciting rate has reached 44% in 2014. It must be a coincidence but it may lead to some misunderstandings from other readers and Thomson Reuters, who may decide to supress the impact factor because of the high self-citation rate. In 2015, many good journals, e.g. IEEE Trans on Industrial informatics, has been dropped because of the high self-citing rate.
If so, it will definitely harm the long-time good reputation of ISA transactions.
Thus, I think it may be necessary for the editors to remind the authors to remove unnecessary citations to the ISA papers published in 2013 and 2014.
By doing so, the self-citation rate may be reduced in 2015's impact factor, which will be announced in 2016.
2楼2015-09-07 04:27:33
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